Crooked G's

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Book: Crooked G's by S. K. Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. K. Collins
so damn good. Eric’s dick was a diamond, and any woman in the world would want it to be their best friend. Every inch of his flawless stone graciously drilled out her insides. Her body soon fell into an enhanced state of ecstasy that released a sexual eruption, over and over again.

    A fter several hours of window shopping, and trying on outfits and dresses she couldn’t afford, Latrice decided to call Shakita back. Shakita’s phone continued to ring and then went to voicemail again. Latrice still didn’t think anything of it, and went to her favorite restaurant, Tara Thai, to have a late lunch. Before Latrice had left the mall, she’d decided to buy one particular item, a pair of Oakley sunglasses. She thought she needed a pair of hot sunglasses, so she could look trendier, and wanted to be taken more seriously by Clarity. The success of Bangspot Records was highly riding on having Clarity sign to the label. Without Clarity, Latrice didn’t know if she had enough time to secure another artist by Bay’s release. Latrice needed her to get on board badly.
    Latrice had a little over an hour left before she needed to be at the club. She decided to go back home to freshen up before the show. She had been trying on clothes all day and wanted to take a quick shower. When she got out of the shower, she touched up her hair, put on a red Bebe side-cutout mini dress, then picked out a pair of black pumps to match. She sprayed herself with her sweet-smelling Lancôme Miracle perfume, then looked in the mirror and hoped for a miracle tonight. Latrice put in her small, white-gold diamond hoop earrings and was now looking like she had money in the bank.
    Latrice got down to the club at seven-thirty p.m., and noticed that there was already a long line that had formed outside the club. She had figured this would happen since Clarity was such a hot artist. She parked in the parking garage across the street from the Fantasy Lounge and walked over to the club. Latrice patiently stood in line, and waited for her turn to get in the club, as the line continued to wrap around the corner. At seven forty-five the doors opened and everyone started to pour in rapidly. Latrice’s stomach knotted up as she anticipated the beginning of an interesting night.
    The bartenders were busy serving up drinks to the rowdy crowd that waited for the first act to come on stage. A few minutes later the lights got low indicating that the show was about to start. Right before the first act made it to the stage, someone tapped Latrice on her shoulder. She turned around and saw that it was a guy that she had never seen.
    â€œHow are you doing tonight?” the tall, dark-skinned guy asked.
    She smiled. “I’m doing good.”
    â€œI bought you a drink,” he said as he held out a Long Island Iced Tea.
    Latrice was confused. “You bought me a drink? But I don’t even know you. I’m sorry, but I can’t accept that.”
    â€œWhy not?”
    â€œI don’t know you. You could have put some date rape drug in there, for all I know.”
    He raised the glass up to his mouth and took a big gulp from it. “Well, if it affects you, then it’ll affect me.” He smiled and held the drink out to her again.
    Latrice liked his smile and charm but still couldn’t take the drink from him. She didn’t know him well enough.
    â€œI’m sorry, but I still can’t take the drink from you.”
    â€œDo you still think I put something in it?”
    â€œMaybe, but even if I watched you get it from the bar, I still wouldn’t drink it. I decided not to drink tonight. Now if you want me to pay you for the drink, I can do that, so you won’t feel some type of way about it.”
    â€œNo, it’s okay. I wouldn’t want it to go to waste. I’ll just drink it myself,” he said as he took a sip of the drink with the straw this time.
    Latrice found him very

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