Crisis and Command: A History of Executive Power from George Washington to George W. Bush
Michael, 82
    Randall, J. G., 233
    Randolph, Edmund, 20-21, 41-42, 65, 68-69, 85-86
    Reagan, Ronald, xvi, 329-330, 333-334, 353-359, 364, 366-367, 370, 372, 375, 377-380, 389, 391-392, 400, 421, 429-432, 438
    Reagan Doctrine, 345, 355, 397
    Reconstruction, 203, 234-248, 332, 368, 403, 410, 437
    Reconstruction Finance
    Corporation, 261, 303
    Red Scare, 381-382
    Reed, Stanley, 275
    Rehnquist, William H., xvii, 352, 377, 379, 391-393
    Remini, Robert V., 169, 185
    Republican Party, 103, 105, 126-137, 169, 202, 204
    Resurgence of Congress (Sundquist), 399
    Revolutionary War, xv, 2, 9, 53, 123-124, 145, 178, 229, 291, 311, 401-402
    Richardson, Elliot, 371
    Roberts, Owen, 267, 273, 314, 319
    Roberts Commission, 316
    Roe v. Wade , 389-390
    "the Room," 323
    Roosevelt, Franklin D., ix, xvi, 42, 97, 99, 257-328, 329-330, 365, 373, 388-389, 401-403, 408-410, 413, 421-424, 426, 429-432, 438, 442
    Roosevelt, Theodore, ix, x, xvi, 401, 438
    Rossiter, Clinton, xiii, 31, 201
    Rudalevige, Andrew, viii, 10, 399
    Rush, Benjamin, 128
    Russia. See Soviet Union Rutledge, John, 22
    San Jacinto, Battle of, 153
    Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 155, 194
    Santo Domingo, 117 "Saturday Night Massacre," 371
    Savage, Charlie, viii, 399
    Savannah, Georgia, 245
    Scalia, Antonin, 1, 379-380, 392
    Schechter Poultry v. United States , 267-268, 280
    Schelling, Thomas, 47
    Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., xiii, 32-33, 201, 336, 339, 399
    Schmitt, Gary, 101, 125
    Schwartz, Anna, 260
    Scott, Winfield, 194
    Scott (Dred) v. Sanford , 109, 203-204, 209-211, 228, 235, 268, 319, 396
    SEATO, 345
    Second Bank of the United States, 161-179
    Second New Deal, 269
    Second Treatise of Government (Locke), 4
    Security and Exchange Commission, 277
    Sedition Act, 106-107, 181, 206, 358, 417
    Seidman, Guy, 118, 122
    Seminole Indians, 150-151 1783
    Peace Treaty, 11, 15
    Seven Years' War, 9, 116
    Seward, William, 214, 225
    Shay's Rebellion, 11, 68-71
    Sherman, Roger, 21, 24, 26
    Sherman, William Tecumseh, 215, 217, 242, 245
    Shultz, George, 366 "Sick Children" case, 267, 270, 273
    Sinai Peninsula, 347
    Skowronek, Stephen, ix, 408
    Slidell, John, 192
    Smoot-Hawley Act, 261
    Social Security Act (SSA), 266, 269, 274
    Social Statics (Spencer), 266
    Sofaer, Abraham, 112
    South Carolina, 27, 180-189, 217
    South Carolina Exposition and Protest , 181
    South Korea, 345, 362
    Soviet Union, xix, 141, 292, 297, 329-363, 396-398, 402, 404, 409, 419, 443
    Spain, 11, 47, 117, 149-158
    Spanish-American War, 332
    Spencer, Herbert, 266
    Spirit of Laws (Montesquieu), 5
    Stalin, Joseph, 326, 337-338
    Stanton, Edwin, 216, 218, 252
    Star Chamber, 270
    Starr, Kenneth, 380
    "Star Spangled Banner," 142
    St. Clair, Arthur, 77-78, 80, 93
    Steel Seizure case. See Youngstown
    Sheet & Tube v. Sawyer Sterett, Andrew, 112-113
    Stimson, Henry, 298, 312, 316-317
    Stone, Harlan Fiske, 267, 314-315
    Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties, 359
    Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 354-355
    Stuart Kings, 7-8
    Suez, 334
    Suez Canal, 347
    Summers, Hatton, 272
    Sundquist, James, 399
    Sunshine Act, 374
    Sunstein, Cass, 67
    Supreme Court. See U.S. Supreme Court
    Sutherland, George, 266, 270, 280, 290-293, 300
    Switzerland, 21
    Syria, 348
    Taft, Robert, 318, 336, 339
    Taft, William Howard, 279-280
    Taft-Hartley labor law, 341
    Taiwan, 74, 334, 345-346, 419
    Takeover: The Return of the Imperial Presidency (Savage), viii, 399
    Taliban, 419, 429
    Tampico, Mexico, 196 "Tamony," 37
    Taney, Roger, 160, 172, 175, 178, 209-211, 227-229
    Tariff of 1824, 179-189
    Taylor, Zachary, 192-193, 195, 352
    Tecumseh, 139
    Tehuantepec, Mexico, 196
    Tennessee, 150
    Tennessee Valley Authority, 282
    Tenure of Office Act, 252-253
    Terrorist Surveillance Program, 422
    The Terror Presidency (Goldsmith), viii, 399
    Tet Offensive, 351-352
    Texas, 150, 152-153, 190-195
    Thach, Charles, 14, 21
    Thailand, 306
    "Thermidorian" reaction, 17
    Thirty Years' War, 360
    Thomas, Clarence, 1
    Timberlake, Peggy. See Eaton, Peggy Timberlake Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 351,

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