Creamsicle Murder: A Frosted Love Cozy Mystery - Book 11 (Frosted Love Cozy Mysteries)

Read Online Creamsicle Murder: A Frosted Love Cozy Mystery - Book 11 (Frosted Love Cozy Mysteries) by Carol Durand, Summer Prescott - Free Book Online

Book: Creamsicle Murder: A Frosted Love Cozy Mystery - Book 11 (Frosted Love Cozy Mysteries) by Carol Durand, Summer Prescott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Durand, Summer Prescott
in his jaw flexing. “It’s my

Chapter 18
immediately went to Chas and wrapped him in her embrace, and he let himself be
held, struggling to maintain his composure. She stroked his hair, his face, his
neck, as he bent to bury his face in her shoulder, breathing deeply.
going on, sweetheart?” she asked, hurting for him. “What’s going on with your
stood, trying to gather himself, and closed his eyes briefly before speaking.
“He had a massive heart attack about an hour ago. I’m on my way to the airport,
and I hope I can get there in time. It doesn’t look good, Missy,” he let out a
shuddering sigh.
Chas, I’m so sorry,” Missy touched his cheek. “Is there anything I can do? Do
you want me to go with you?”
right now,” he said quietly. “I’m literally heading to the airport now, but
later, if…something happens…I’ll need you with me then,” he said, closing his
eyes again.
love, I’m so sorry,” Missy said, tears welling in her eyes. She kissed him
softly, and he seemed to draw comfort from the simple pleasure of her lips on
his. Drawing back after giving him another hard hug, she said, “Go. Be with
your daddy. Love him with whatever time he has left, and let me know how you’re
doing, okay?” She kissed him again, and stroked his cheek. “I love you, Chas
Beckett, and I’m here whenever you need me,” she promised.
gazed into her eyes, his pain evident. “I love you too, Missy. More than you
know,” he said quietly, kissing the top of her head and turning to go.
stood in the guest room of the Beckett mansion again, checking her waterproof
mascara, as Maggie, the stout Irish maid looked on approvingly.
a sad occasion, lass, but my oh my, yer lookin’ lovely in black,” the faithful
servant nodded. “Mr. Charles is gonna need ya today,” she said, shaking her
head sadly. “He’s a strong man, and everythin’ seems to fall to him to take
care of, but mark my words, he’ll be lookin’ to you fer his strength today.”
heart hurts for him, Maggie,” Missy admitted, trying not to cry, again. Chas
had remained strong throughout the ordeal of getting his father’s affairs in
order, making funeral arrangements, and notifying friends and family, and Missy
had cried enough tears for both of them. The detective had kept her by his side
as much as possible, since the day his father had passed.
know, lass. I’m just glad that Mr. Charles has ya to lean on.”
had thought that she and Chas would be returning from New York as soon as the
funeral was over, but such was not the case. His father’s estate was extensive,
and Chas, as executor of his will, had a whole host of responsibilities that
had to be attended to before he returned to Louisiana.
    At a
loss as to what to do with herself while Chas met with his brother Reggie, and
his sister, Olivia, regarding the disposition of the estate, Missy wandered the
halls of the huge mansion, hoping that she didn’t get lost. She would never
have guessed when she met Chas Beckett, that he had come from such grand
wealth, despite his impeccable grooming and manners. He’d always been so humble
and down-to-earth, which is probably why he had refused his father’s invitation
to run the empire, and had removed himself from his family’s trappings at his
earliest opportunity.
paused outside the closed doors to the library, startled by the sound of
Reginald shouting, Livvy crying, and Chas calmly acting as the voice of reason.
She couldn’t hear what was being said, but it was evident that there was an
impassioned discussion going on. Feeling as though she was eavesdropping on
something that was absolutely none of her business, she hurried past on tiptoe,
not wanting the family to know that she was even nearby, and headed for the
cool oblivion of the in-home movie theatre.

Chapter 19
a couple of weeks spent in the

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