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Book: Crave by Violet Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violet Vaughn
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    Ohmigod. I want to run. “Thanks!” I rush out the door. Orange jacket. Bowls. The T-bar is the best way to get there. With any luck, the line will be long. I slam my boots into my skis and take off like a shot. My jacket flaps in the wind. I have to skate over to the T-bar and am grateful I’ve been running. My thighs explode with power and propel me. I am prepared to plow over anyone and anything. My helmet strap bangs methodically against the fiberglass. No time to connect it now. Breathless, I reach the lift and spot orange getting on. I can’t see his face, but the helmet looks familiar. Jason. I yell, “Single!” and move right to the front.
    I’m a few T-bars behind him. Good. This is good. I know his routine. He buckles his boots tighter after having loosened them for a lift ride. I just might catch him. I pat my jacket for lipstick. Darn, I wish I had a mirror. I pull a curl out of my helmet, just in case he wants to tuck it back in. I fan myself by pulling my fleece away from my body in a flapping motion. Whew. I catch my breath and jiggle my leg. Oh please, oh please, oh please, let me catch him. I’m a nervous ball of energy. It hits me. Text. Of course. I’m an idiot.
    I pull out my phone and text him. “Hey, stranger. I heard you’re in Breck. True?”
    Now I tap my phone with a fingernail. The guy I’m riding with must think I’m a total nutcase. C’mon, Jason, text back.
    “True. Getting off T-bar.”
    I squeal. Yup, the guy next to me looks like he wonders if it’s worth ditching me halfway up the trail. I text back, “Don’t move. On T-bar.”
    Relief floods my body. I’ve found him. I zip up my jacket and click the clasp of my helmet.
    When I get to the top of the lift, I try to look cool, as if I haven’t seen him yet. I hear him call out.
    A smile spreads across my face. I resist the urge to jump into his arms. “Jason.” I ski over to him and wrap my arms as far around him as I can.
    He lifts me up off the ground. “It’s so good to see you.”
    “Same.” His scent makes my body heat up and defy me. My lips ache to kiss him. Control your raging hormones, Casey. “Where are you headed?”
    He puts me down. “The bowl. Are you skiing alone?”
    “I am. Follow me; you’re going to love this.” I slip my pole straps on as I begin to move.
    The two of us ski over and fly down the bowl. No need to stop and figure out a line, this is how we roll. I feel so free and happy, I can’t believe it. My best ski buddy is here, and we don’t even have to talk to know what the other thinks. I reach my poles behind me and knock them together twice. He knows it means “get ready.” Up ahead there’s a cliff. Hidden by a few trees, you don’t know it’s there until you’re on top of it. I soar over and stick the landing like a pro. I take a few turns to slow down and stop. Jason explodes off it and lets out a “Whoo!” As he pulls up to me, his chest heaves with exhilaration. “Damn, that was awesome! I didn’t expect a cliff.”
    “I thought you might like that. The first time I went off it, I crashed. You crushed it.”
    “Why, yes, I do believe I did.” He has a cocky grin on his face, and I can’t help but chuckle.
    That’s my Jason. Gosh, it’s so good to be with him.
    As we ride up the chair, I tell him stories about the girls at the boarding house. So many try to sneak in past curfew when they’ve had too much to drink.
    “Do you ever do any of that?” He takes a swig of his water.
    “No. I don’t get that drunk anymore. It’s not worth it.” I blush when I think about our last night.
    “Why?” He tucks his bottle back into his jacket.
    “Because my party-girl ways led me to doing stupid things and hurting people that matter to me. People like you.” I look down at my feet in shame.
    “Oh, Case.” He takes his glove off and lifts my chin so I’m looking at him. His greenish eyes are warm and tender.
    I reach up and

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