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Book: Crave by Violet Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violet Vaughn
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come out. I can’t seem to make my skis move. They’re stuck in the snow. The snow is like concrete and my skis are embedded in it, yet I try to pull free.
    I bolt awake and notice that my T-shirt is soaked with sweat. The desire to call Jason is so strong. I hold my head in my hands. I can’t call him. What would I say? Hey, so remember how you held me when I cried over my cheating boyfriend? Would you do that again for this sexually-inept one? Yeah, that’s not going to happen.
    I’m awake. I might as well figure out what to do. I like Blaine. He loves children and wants a family. He has plans to be an engineer when he’s done doing the ski bum thing. He’s funny and loves to ski. He’s got everything on my list. Am I really about to break up with him over sex? I should put that on my list too. Must be good at sex. As much as I don’t want to, I’m afraid I have to talk to Blaine. This is going to be so awkward.

Chapter 16

    Not only is skiing my passion, it’s my therapy. A couple of days after our fiasco, it’s Blaine Tuesday. Being school vacation week, Blaine’s working at kids’ ski school to help. It’s just as well. I still don’t know what I should say. I need a ski day all to myself.
    Pressing my cheek to the metal side bar of the chairlift, the cold bites my skin. I ride solo, so I can get lost in my thoughts. I’m confused about my dream. To be honest, Jason hadn’t been tucked away in my heart. He’s in my head, too. A gust of wind swings my chair. It’s little things. Sometimes Blaine will call me Case and Jason’s face appears. I shift in the chair and lean over the restraining bar. I look down at the snow far below. When Blaine tucks a curl behind my ear, I remember how Jason used to do the same. I pull out my sandwich. Even unwrapping my peanut butter and jelly makes me remember the hundreds of times I ate lunch on the chair with Jason. I sigh and put the sandwich away. I miss him.
    My phone vibrates and I see I have a text from Gretchen. “One word—porn.” Oh great, another Gretchen solution. Today I can laugh. I picture me renting a porn DVD and playing it for Blaine while he sits motionless watching. That’s so not going to happen.
    Making my hand brave the cold, I text back. “Hey, do you see Jason much these days? I’m just wondering what he’s been up to.”
    “I text porn and you think Jason?”
    “No. I’m trying to un-see that and change the subject.” I scrape snow off one ski with the other.
    “Rumor has it he’s in Colorado. Ski vacation. I’m not sure where he went. Did you tell him where you are?”
    A gust of wind blows the chair and makes it sway. “No, you’re the only one that knows. Did you tell him?”
    Jason? Here? I can’t breathe. Is this a mini anxiety attack? “It’s ok. I never told you to keep it secret.”
    “Then, yes. I did tell him you were living somewhere in Breckenridge. I don’t know if he would go there. It’s kind of a big place to hope to find you.”
    “True. He has my number and could text if he wanted to see me.” Would he?
    “Right. He’s probably at Vail or A-Basin.”
    Or maybe not. When I get off the chair my hands are cold. I need to go into the lodge to warm up and fill my water. Pushing open the door, the warmth wraps around me. Matt is behind the ski school desk and calls out.
    “Hey, Casey, I was just talking about you. I skied with a guy today from Killington. He said he knows you.”
    No. Way. My stomach clenches.
    “It was Jason Garrison.”
    My heart is in my throat. “Really? Is he going to work here next winter?” I’m no longer cold. That anxiety attack is back, and I don’t think it’s so mini anymore.
    “If he wants the job. He’s one fine skier.”
    Oh dear. “Cool. He’ll be a good instructor. Nice guy.” Oh, man, that could make things weird next winter.
    “He just left if you want to catch up to him. I think he said he was headed to the bowls. He’s wearing an orange

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