Crash into Me: A BWWM Russian Billionaire Romance

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Book: Crash into Me: A BWWM Russian Billionaire Romance by Cristina Grenier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cristina Grenier
Tags: bwwm interracial romance
hardly demolished anything,” Alexei defended himself. “But you know...why don’t I just come with you tomorrow? I’m assuming that your mechanic is somewhere near this tavern.”
    It was just a few blocks down, actually, but Emma wasn’t going to admit that. Not when he was giving her that smug look again. “Why would you want to do that?”
    “Cut out the middle man. Now you don’t have to call me, and I don’t have to mail a check or anything. I’ll be right there. I also know a bit about cars, and I can tell you if you’re being overcharged.”
    “You’re a fan of cutting out the middle man, aren’t you?” Emma said sardonically. “What did he ever do to you?”
    Alexei laughed at that, and it was a low, throaty sound. “You’re very funny. I just like efficiency. So? Have we got a plan, then?”
    Emma wavered for a moment, but she had to admit it was the best solution. Best case scenario her car was fixed and ready to go the same day, and she wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore. Worst case scenario, Alexei drove her mad, but she still had her car repair done and paid for.
    “Fine,” she agreed after a bit of thought. “We have a plan. I’ll just meet you there, then? It’s just a few blocks up from this place. You can’t miss it.”
    “I don’t even know how I got to this place,” Alexei pointed out. “I was just driving and the next thing I knew, I was here.”
    “Well, I can give you the address. I’m sure your fancy car has GPS.”
    “Of course it does,” he said like it was only common sense that his car would have something as common as that. “But…”
    Emma arched an eyebrow, wary. “But what?”
    “I have a foolproof way to make sure I don’t get lost trying to get there. I can just follow you there.”
    She snorted in amusement at that. “Oh, no. You can forget that. Unless you plan on meeting me here, and if you can find your way here, you can find your way there. I’m not telling you where I live. I still haven’t ruled out you being some kind of crazed stalker.”
    “You wound me,” Alexei said, but he was still smiling.
    He had a nice smile, Emma decided. Balanced. His mouth was the perfect shape, and she caught herself staring at it again, at his lips and straight, even teeth when they were flashed in his grin. If she had even been thinking about having another drink, this train of thought was talking her out of it because the last thing she needed was to go all gooey for this idiot.
    But of course, things could never be simple. Not for her, anyway, it seemed, and Alexei noticed the direction she was staring and his grin only widened. He watched her for a moment and then turned his head to look at something else, leaving Emma confused and startled.
    She exhaled hard and shook her head, knowing that she needed to get out of there before she did something stupid.
    “Well,” she said. “I should be going. We’ll meet around two tomorrow afternoon?”
    Alexei nodded. “Sure, sounds good. Let me walk you out.”
    “I think I can make it the several feet to my car, Alexei.”
    “I’m being a gentleman,” he insisted, getting up from his stool and offering her his arm. Emma ignored it and rolled her eyes, making her way to the door quite aware that he was following her. She didn’t think he meant anything by it, probably got some thrill from annoying her like some of the people she worked with did. Apparently making short people angry was some kind of sport in some people’s heads.
    Emma didn’t feel angry, though. She felt...charmed. Alexei Alexandrov was charming and funny and probably sweet under his smarmy exterior, but that didn’t mean she wanted to get closer to him.
    “I don’t need you to follow me to my car,” Emma said as they stepped out into the cool night air. It was just after eleven, longer than she usually stayed at the tavern, even on a Friday night, but then she didn’t usually have a companion.
    “I’m not following you,”

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