CRASH & BURN (Rule Breaker)

Read Online CRASH & BURN (Rule Breaker) by Susan Arden - Free Book Online

Book: CRASH & BURN (Rule Breaker) by Susan Arden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Arden
Tags: Erótica, new adult, Erotic Romance, hispanic, multicultural romance, Rock Romance
his carved jaw and cheeks. The man’s lips had seen collagen injections at some point. A sole pinky ring glittered, reflecting a sunbeam that flashed around the waiting area of the salon with each whirling hand motion as he approached Clarissa.
    “Welcome, darling! It’s been far too long, but I’m overjoyed to see you in the flesh again. Especially after the last celebration.” The man pop-kissed Clarissa, reinforcing Alana’s suspicion that her handler kept her private side hidden.
    Clarissa stepped back, her cheeks glowing, and she cleared her throat. “Andy, make the acquaintance of Alana St. James. Our newest client.” Clarissa glanced over to her charge. “Ms. St. James, may I introduce one of the most talented stylists we use, Andy Ligon.”
    “Please, call me Alana. Both of you. And nice to meet you, Andy.”
    “Kitten, you are bitchingly beautiful. And what a handful, I bet. I get you, all right, and don’t envy any man who wants a second of your attention.”
    “I suddenly want to be badass. Possibly. May I take the fifth?”
    Andy threw back his head and laughed. “I saw you earlier this week. At Vendome’s. Speaker-dancing ring a bell? But my lips are sealed. Zip on that one.” He winked at Alana and proceeded to walk around her, lightly fingering her hair.
    Clarissa opened her large purse. “Here. Hard copies of the screen test. Makeup included,” She handed over a file folder to Andy.
    “And another band member is on her way over. Can you handle two at once?” Alana said without thinking.
    “Oh darling, I hit for the other team. But you’re so goddamn hot, I could see my way clear to make an exception,” he chortled. “Is your friend the same heat level as you?”
    “Christy? She’s super-sexy. Petite.”
    “The guitarist? Tiny thing with oodles of curves.” Andy worked his hands, waving the air in a figure eight. “Men must love to eat her up. But in a different way from you, I imagine.”
    “That’s Christy,” Alana exhaled, agreeing silently that her friend had a dizzying effect on the opposite sex.
    “ That’s Christy what?”
    Swinging around at the ultra-familiar voice, Alana asked, “Jeez, how long have you been eavesdropping?”
    “Not long enough, considering you’re hooking us up with this hunky cut of sex on display. Don’t act as though you’ve seen a ghost. Coco Joe’s is down the block. Not much of a limo ride. But holy smokes, you’re gorgeous. What’s this about another team?”
    Christy stood with hands on her hips, sunglasses perched on her upturned nose, and a tight, red jersey dress hugging her figure. Today her hair was pulled back into a demure plait, unlike the usual mass of feathery black layers that framed her porcelain face. Christy’s square jaw and dimpled chin were even sexier when she pouted, as she was doing now.
    Alana had seen this stance during their search for gigs. Power-punches didn’t land any harder, and Andy was in for a wallop. Other team or not, Christy took each man as he came and didn’t relent until someone cried Uncle. Generally—unless Billy was involved—Christy won each round.
    “As I live and breathe. Sugar, you are a wild cat. When was the last time you were spanked into submission?” Andy’s gaze languidly traveled over Christy.
    “You ask a bunch of hawt questions.”
    “And you inspire a lot more. So, just you two? None of the guys from the band? Say, that drummer with the arm tattoos?”
    “Oh jambalaya. Somebody’s got a man crush,” Christy teased, walking toward Alana.
    “Don’t tell me you haven’t wanted a lick of his sweat?” Andy asked.
    Looping her arm though Alana’s, Christy shot back. “Honestly? No.”
    They both ignored Andy’s snort. “God, am I glad to see you. How’d it go last night?” Alana asked.
    “Ladies, you can continue with the gossip fest after we get you in robes. Clarissa, take them back to my corner. We’ve a new espresso machine, if you’re interested. I want to

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