craftfield 01 - secrets untold

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Book: craftfield 01 - secrets untold by brooklyn shivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: brooklyn shivers
lot recently. Have you taken a leave from school to decide if you want to keep the shop open or not?” He gave her a sympathetic smile. “You could always hire more help and run the business in the background.”
    “At first, I wanted to sell, but now I’m not so sure.” She took another bite of pizza. “I’m studying to be a nurse.”
    He nodded. “So, a nurse? What made you chose that profession?”
    “I've always wanted to help people.” She shrugged. “But after all that’s happened, I’ve put in for a leave of absence at school. Hopefully I should receive approval next week, and my professors have given me leniency on assignments. Now I’m torn between keeping this place open or pursuing my degree full time. I think I’d miss this place, though.”
    “You must have great willpower not to gorge all the time?” He glanced at the ice cream cones in the plastic display case. “I’d eat so much I’d gain a hundred pounds and make myself ill.”
    She wiped her mouth with a paper napkin. “I only splurge a few times a month.”
    “So you’ve got great willpower.” He finished his slice, then said. “I wouldn’t have that much discipline. Sweets are my weakness.” His voice deepened and her breath caught.
    “What other weaknesses do you have, Deputy?” She licked her lips.
    “Beautiful women who are strong on the inside, even though they don’t think they are, due to circumstances beyond their control.”
    “Oh?” He thought she was strong? His words sent shivers through her and she felt powerful with him… protected. Like he could scare away anything bad that might lurk in the darkness. She played his words over in her mind. He thought she was beautiful? “You’re not so bad yourself.” Like the sexiest cop she’d ever seen. Muscled, square jawline, and hazel gaze that drew her in.
    Jarred leaned forward, their lips a breath apart. Instinctively, she half-closed her eyes.
    Behind the counter, someone coughed and Lily jerked backward, falling on her butt.
    “Excuse me, can I get some help here?” a woman’s nasally voice sounded.
    “Of course.” Lily scrambled to stand. There stood Camie, decked out in a white pantsuit and turquoise jewelry.
    “I only came in to collect my refund.”
    “Pardon?” Lily frowned.
    Jarred rose near Lily’s side. “Good to see you, Mrs. Barnes.”
    The look of shock on Camie’s face was priceless, and Lily wished she had a camera to capture it. “Uh… Deputy Garza, what are you doing here?”
    None of your business . “What can I do for you, Camie?”
    “My refund.” Her head snapped so fast to Lily that her bleached blond hair bounced. “I paid a deposit for the ice cream cakes, and since I never received my order, I want my money back.”
    She made it sound like Lily’s mother’s death was nothing more than a nuisance. Shoving down the desire to leap over the counter and strangle the woman, Lily stomped to the register. She mashed the buttons, opened the drawer, yanked out the cash and slid it across the counter. “Thank you for your business. I’m sorry my mom being murdered inconvenienced you. And by the way,” she poured sticky syrup into her tone, “you’re no longer welcome in my store.” God that felt good.
    Camie gasped and snorted, then she gathered up the cash and darted out the door.
    From the encounter, Lily’s bones felt like they’d turned to jello as all the adrenaline and rage flooded out of her. Her mom was dead and being rude to Camie or anyone else wasn’t going to bring her back. Letting out a cry, Lily turned, tears flowing down her face. “Promise me you’ll catch whoever did this.”
    “I will.” His defiant voice injected a layer of confidence in him as he enfolded her in his arms.

Chapter Ten
    Two days later, Lily clamored to get her phone out of her purse during her anatomy class. Was it her aunts finally? “Sorry.” She rushed out of class and hit answer not even looking at the number.

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