Cowboys & Kisses

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Book: Cowboys & Kisses by Sasha Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Summers
on his weekends.
    He frowned at me. “I was being serious.”
    I frowned back. “You hate soccer.”
    “I do hate soccer.” He nodded. “But you’re still an amazing player.”
    I waited. Dax was really good at dragging out sarcastic punch lines. He had one humdinger of a comment coming, I just knew it… Any time now… I arched an eyebrow at him.
    “What?” he asked.
    I put my hands on my hips. “I’m waiting.”
    “Since when do you give me compliments?”
    “The girls’ team could definitely use you,” Wyatt interrupted.
    I shook my head.
    “Come on, Allie.” Dax sighed. “You’re only hurting yourself.” I glared at him.
    “Too bad.” Wyatt looked over one of the boards the team moms had put together—pictures, ribbons, newspaper clippings, all sorts of memorabilia.
    A whimper came from the hallway, drawing my attention to a black and grey dog. It sat, its pointy ears perked up, staring at Wyatt with such concentration I couldn’t help but smile. “Who’s this?” I asked.
    “Pickett,” Wyatt said, instantly calling the dog to his side. Pickett sat, his ears perked.
    “Pickett?” I asked, squatting in front of the dog. Pickett’s ears drooped and his stubby tail began to wag frantically.
    “He’s friendly,” Wyatt said.
    I put my hand out and Pickett charged me, knocking me onto my butt and plastering me with wet doggie kisses.
    Wyatt hissed and Pickett immediately sat where he was. His brown eyes looked at me, then Wyatt, then back at me again.
    I could tell the dog was trying to control himself but I couldn’t resist. I rubbed Pickett behind the ears, ending any restraint the dog had. He was up, climbing into my lap.
    I laughed, turning my head to avoid dog-kisses, and rubbed the wiggling animal with both hands. “I think friendly’s an understatement. Why I haven’t seen you before?”
    “He’s always around. Laying in the shade, mostly. When he’s not working,” I could hear the smile in Wyatt’s voice but didn’t look away from Pickett. The dog ran around me, climbing over my legs, its stubby little tail going crazy the whole time. I laughed again as Picket settled onto my lap, staring at me until I rubbed his neck.
    “You should get a dog,” Wyatt murmured.
    I looked at him. “Why?” I giggled, tilting my head back to avoid Pickett’s slobbery tongue.
    Dax looked at Wyatt then shook his head. Wyatt stared at me like I was missing something. Like I needed to feel any more awkward than I already did.
    I stood up, hating the droop of Pickett’s ears. “What?” Both of them shook their heads, irritating me. “Dax…” I couldn’t think of anything. “Get off of my bed,” I snapped.
    Dax stood, both hands up. “There’s the Allie we know and love.”
    “You can leave any time.” I stepped closer.
    Pickett was circling me, trying to get my attention. I smiled, impressed. He wasn’t jumping up on me or whining; it was like he was trying to…herd me. But I couldn’t stay in full bitch-mode while oohing over a dog, so I ignored him and all his furry cuteness.
    “Time to go, Pickett.” Wyatt pointed to the door and the dog. “We’re in the way.”
    “You’re not in the way,” I said before I realized what I was saying. But the look on Dax’s face, the slight smile on Wyatt’s, was too much. “ Pickett’s not in the way,” I amended.
    I didn’t like the way Wyatt’s smile dimmed. Or the way Dax frowned at me. Pickett, however, sat at my feet with his stubby little tail wagging.
    “It’s late,” Wyatt tried again. “Gonna be another long day tomorrow.”
    Dax shook his head. “You’re a slave driver, man,” he murmured as he walked out of my room. “And I’m not getting paid,” Dax continued to complain.
    Wyatt laughed softly as he made his way to my door.
    “Wyatt,” I said, stopping him.
    He turned, his brown eyes fixed on me.
    “I just wanted to say thank you.” And then I remembered what I was thanking him for. “For

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