Cowboy & the Captive

Read Online Cowboy & the Captive by Lora Leigh - Free Book Online

Book: Cowboy & the Captive by Lora Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lora Leigh
Tags: Romance, Erotic
two years of sexual fantasies had caused.
    Moving quickly she sprinted across the flat harsh terrain, keeping the road in sight but staying a careful distance from it. If he happened to check on her and find her gone, he would most likely start searching the road first. Melina assured herself she wouldn’t be a stupid escapee. She was going to succeed.

* * * * *
    Well, he had wondered how long it would take her to make her first escape attempt. Luc chuckled in amusement as he caught sight of the sheets tied together and leading out of the window to the ranch yard below. His little captive had sprung her cage, and rather than the fury he would have expected, he felt anticipation rising instead.
    She intrigued him. Damned if she didn’t. He hadn’t expected to be touched, amused or intrigued by her, but he was. And damned if the thought of chasing her wasn’t giving him a hard-on like no other he had ever had before.
    Shaking his head at the phenomena he moved back to his bedroom, collected his rifle and commanded Lobo to follow him. The wolf hybrid would be a hell of a surprise when he managed to track her down. Lobo wouldn’t eat her or the cat, but he would give her an idea of what could be waiting on her when she roamed the East Texas landscape alone.
    The wolf followed at his heels as he moved through the house and out to the back yard. Using the small penlight he carried, he checked the tracks under the sheet and estimated she had a good thirty minutes head start on him. Not nearly enough to do her any good.
    Shaking his head as he smothered his laughter, Luc cut a large strip of the sheet off and lowered it to Lobo to get a good sniff.
    “Find our girl, Lobo,” he said softly as he smiled in anticipation. “I’ll be right behind you.”
    What was it about her? Luc shook his head as he set off after the animal. There wasn’t a chance in hell that she wasn’t Maria, but things weren’t adding up. This was a drug addicted, spoiled little rich girl he was holding captive. But there were no needle tracks on her arm; her skin was creamy and silky smooth, rather than sallow and pale as he remembered it two years before.
    Her eyes were a vivid, dark green, her body lush and graceful with the most intriguing scent of heat and woman that he had ever smelled. It made him wonder constantly how sweet her pussy would be. And all those lovely red-gold curls that fell around her pixie-like face… It was enough to make a man’s mouth water. Not to mention what it did to his dick.
    It wasn’t long before Lobo’s yips alerted Luc to the fact that he had found the little escapee. Luc picked up his pace, jogging in the direction of the wolf’s excited sounds as he carefully herded Maria toward him. He chuckled when he finally heard her voice, thick with fear and bravado as Lobo snapped at her heels.
    “You think I don’t know he sent you?” she snapped at Lobo as he playfully pounced toward the sack she carried in front of her. Likely that damned cat. “And no, you cannot have Mason.” Yep, it was that damned cat.
    Mason’s wail of fear could be heard inside the cloth prison.
    “Go away, you flea bitten creature.” He could hear the threat of tears in her voice as he watched her attempt to resume the direction she had been heading. Lobo wasn’t to be denied, though. He nipped at her feet, causing a squeal of outrage to fill the desert night.
    “You bite me and I promise you, your master will be bald next time I see him. Stupid cretin. Get away from me.”
    Lobo had the tail of her shirt in his mouth, dragging her back, ignoring her desperate swipes at his head as he pulled at her.
    Luc stood back and watched. Damn, she was adorable. She called Lobo every nasty name in the book, but as each minute went by he could hear the shadow of laughter thickening in her voice as Lobo played with her.
    Lobo growled as she pulled at her shirt, a deep, warning rumble that was nowhere as threatening as Luc would have expected it

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