Counter-Strike (A Mitch Kearns Combat Tracker Novel Book 2)

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Book: Counter-Strike (A Mitch Kearns Combat Tracker Novel Book 2) by JT Sawyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: JT Sawyer
flecks off his shoes, noticing a few droplets of blood which he blotted out
with his thumb. He pulled out his cellphone, making sure to keep the screen
obscured by his wool overcoat. He glanced down at the text which he’d received
earlier that morning. I look forward to when we can meet again — someday
soon. In the meantime, here’s a taste of things to come, Kyle.   There was a
set of GPS coordinates for the Swedish island of Faro below the words.
    Crenna bit his lower lip then hit the
delete button. He took a deep breath, the moisture from his nose floating
upward like silver phantoms in the semi-cold cockpit. Have to contain this — get
to him quickly before this fucking gets further out of hand. Crenna reflected
on his nearly thirty-year career in clandestine affairs with different
government agencies. How he’d sacrificed three marriages and lost touch with
his kids over the years. Then came the day a few years ago when even the job
itself had lost its luster. He’d been so idealistic when he was younger, the
world so much more delineated between black and white. I was a true patriot,
giving everything for my country. No — I am a true patriot still. Kyle is
the piece of shit who wants to unravel all of my work, the agency’s fine work.
He’s the traitorous bitch I thought he was when I leaked word to the Chinese. Crenna
looked out at the snow-covered forest in the distance as the helicopter sped
along the coast back towards Stockholm. He mulled over his options. He had
planned to retire in one more year and use his considerable funds to retreat to
an estate he’d had built in Belize, far from the brutal winters of the East
Coast. His latest wife wouldn’t mind as long as she could get away on frequent
vacations. Then he thought about the go-bag he kept in his office and the other
in a secure compartment in his Escalade. He had all the essentials for starting
over if he had to disappear quickly—passports, money, credit cards, and an
encrypted cellphone with the link to his Cayman Island account. Years working
counter-intelligence had taught him what it takes to disappear permanently off
the grid. Looking out at the frozen forest below, he grew angry at the thought
of having to evade the law. He knew Kyle, who would be happy to see his career
get incinerated if his treason were exposed . Fuck him, I’m not about to go
dark and live on the run. I’ll find him first and put an end to his miserable
existence. Nobody crosses me.
    He removed his phone again and texted an unmarked
number that was on speed-dial, alerting an off-the-books group of European
mercenaries he had used in the past. He instructed them to meet in four hours
at a location he’d text them shortly.
    When he was finished, he leaned over
towards the pilot and shouted above the rotor wash, “Take me to Copenhagen
instead. I need to arrange for additional air transportation from there.”

    Chapter 10
    Mitch drove through the pitch-black forest
until they reached the highway then followed the road to Munich. Jessica Yin
had been flagged through Dev’s facial recognition program as having just passed
over the Austrian border twenty minutes earlier in her stolen Land Rover.
    “The route she’s on will take her right to
the airport. She must have passed on whatever intel she obtained from Bob and
is planning to disappear again,” he said, clutching the wheel tightly with both
hands, his mind focused on more than the white lines on the freeway.
    Dev retrieved a small black case from her
shoulder bag and flipped open the lid. Inside was a syringe which was
pre-loaded with a single vial of yellow fluid. The entire device was stout,
with a blunt needle on the end that resembled an epi-pen. She lifted it out and
shook the needle, examining the fluid container to make sure it hadn’t been
affected by the cold or the cabin pressure in the plane on their flight over.
    “So how’s that shit work again?” said
Mitch, who’d snuck a

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