Corpsman and the Nerd

Read Online Corpsman and the Nerd by D.R. Grady - Free Book Online

Book: Corpsman and the Nerd by D.R. Grady Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.R. Grady
Tags: Romance, Military, kids, surgeon, nerds
reassurances to KC’s. Then he bellowed “Melly!” to come for her
daughter. Which was a moot point because at Sophy’s first shriek,
one of the women and a man clustered in a small group had turned
and sprinted across the lawn toward them.
    KC saw the woman was Melly, Max’s
sister and her husband, Rick. They took their daughter, who clung
to them and both smiled thanks to her and Max. “I have a kid too,”
KC said with a smile.
    “ Yeah, and I think we’ve
rescued him a few times.” Melly grinned and then her daughter
wrapped her arms around her parent’s necks and they held her
    KC laughed. “I’m sure you have and
that probably won’t be the only time. He’s definitely all
    “ Yes, and fortunately, we’ve
got lots of experience with kids. Thanks for rescuing Sophy.” Melly
hugged her daughter.
    “ So, Sophy, why were you in
the tree?” Rick asked his daughter when she looped her arms around
his neck and nestled against him.
    She shrugged and father and daughter
moved off, Melly’s hand entwined in her husband’s.
    KC smiled at them and then looked out
over the yard until she located her son.
    “ He’s fine,” Max said in her
ear. She glanced up at him.
    “ You’ve been watching
    “ Yep. They’re having
    “ Max and
KC. ” They turned to see Lainy lope across
the lawn. “How are you both?” They exchanged hugs and KC marveled
again at Lainy’s glow. Oh if only...
    “ We’re fine,” Max answered.
“Where’s Mitch?”
    A frown crossed Lainy’s face as she
turned to look behind her. “He was right behind me,” she
    “ Ah, he’s been spotted.” KC
pointed. Ryan and some of the other boys were crowded around him.
Uncle Mitch had hunkered down to their level and was
    The sweetest smile spread across
Lainy’s face and she turned from them with a wave and hurried
across the yard to his side. He looked up at her and grinned. It
looked like a secret grin of sorts, one of intimacy, and even
though Lainy’s back was to them, KC figured she grinned from ear to
ear. KC’s heart ached for a relationship like that. That’s exactly
what she wanted, preferably with someone hot.
    “ You know, sometimes they’re
sickening to watch,” Max commented blandly as they watched the
    “ Agreed. Does your mom have
any cookies out yet?” KC felt a decided ache in her abdomen. Maybe
it was hunger.
    “ Good question. Let’s go
    They grinned at each other, in perfect
accord, before making their way into the house to check out the
cookie situation.

    Chapter 9
    Max was worried. After only five days
of having KC and Ryan in his home, he wanted to keep them
permanently. He had the care of Ryan for at least eight months, but
he also wanted Ryan’s mom. KC was everything he wanted in a woman,
and she was living under his roof.
    All of her things filled his house,
mingling with his belongings perfectly. Her dishes graced his china
cabinet and her table graced his dining room. They used her sofa in
the living room, and her everyday dishes uncannily matched his. Her
baking things crammed the nooks in his kitchen. Her toiletries and
bathroom essentials occupied the second bathroom and she and Ryan’s
beds completed the last two bedrooms upstairs. Her car looked great
in the second stall of his garage.
    More than just those simple
possessions, he especially enjoyed sitting across from her at the
breakfast table. He loved how her eyes met his when Ryan said
something funny. Now, more and more they were connecting optically
and he treasured those intimate moments.
    He loved coming home at night, with
her, knowing she planned a meal for them. Ryan began to blossom
too. Seemed he was at an age where he needed a male in his life.
Filled with gratitude that Ryan had chosen him, Max Morrison, for
that coveted role, Max savored the nearness with this little family
who included him in their lives.
    And he was a healthy man, so

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