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Book: Coral-600 by Roxy Mews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxy Mews
Tags: Science Fiction;Artificial Intelligence;Romance
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me to go out with Paisley. She also said I might want to give Quinn some space.
    It was the first time I had no intention of following Miss Matilda’s orders.

Chapter Six
    The night was just as wonderful as the previous one. The dance floor was even more crowded and we were all packed in so tightly that when I mirrored Paisley’s movements my body was pressed to all those around me.
    I found that it reminded me of when Quinn pressed himself against me. I should have extricated myself from the mass, but I didn’t want the sensation to be ripped away from me this time, and I didn’t think I would be able to leave the dance floor without bodily shoving some of these people out of the way. A human woman of my size wouldn’t have had the strength to do that, so I had the perfect excuse to stay right where I was.
    Paisley smiled at me and pressed closer so she could shout into the auditory receptor in my neck.
    â€œEvery time I talk into your robo-ear these people think I am kissing your neck. All the guys around us are getting turned on.” Hands brushed over both of our bodies as she spoke. “And some of the women.”
    I felt the crowd change as the song selection moved from the heavy fast beats to something slower. The next five songs were all slower, heavier bass beats, and much more of a sensual throb.
    Everyone around us responded. Even Paisley. The man behind her watched Paisley’s hips as she moved to this song. This was a move she used a lot, and the men seemed to respond every time. I grabbed her head and pulled her ear close to me so I could relay the message about the guy behind her.
    â€œDo you wish to separate and go have sex with him? He seems to be excited about the prospect.”
    â€œOh he is.” Paisley assured me. “He has been dancing behind me for a while. He is very excited about it, trust me. But tonight is about us. Do you want to keep dancing? Or do you want to do something else?”
    Something else? I really enjoyed dancing. I loved feeling the bodies around me. They weren’t as nice as Quinn’s but the feel of them and the way many admired me was something I wanted to keep doing. But the way Paisley smiled as she offered a new experience led me to believe I might enjoy the next one just as much.
    â€œI want to have fun. You show me what to do, and I will gladly follow your instructions.”
    Paisley bit her lip before her cheeks plumped and she couldn’t contain her smile any longer. “I will be your fun educator, you sexy metal chick. First, I want to torture this guy a bit. Here is why we travel in twos as women. This guy will follow us off the dance floor if we leave. So you’re going to pretend that you’re my lover and you’re angry about his advances. Do you remember the television shows I watched with you?”
    There were shows that were on in the afternoon that Paisley recorded on the DVR. They had a lot of dramatic music and the people slept with each other and were often angry at who the other person had slept with. I couldn’t find much of a consistent plot other than that. It was good information to draw from.
    Paisley turned in my arms and placed my hands on her hips. It was where I had initially put my hands when I was learning to mirror her movements. She had been facing away from me the first time. This time she pulled my hands over more and her hip bones were against my palms.
    The guy who had been behind her stepped closer to us.
    â€œYou two look beautiful together. Do you like to share?”
    A similar conversation from the television shows replayed in my brain. I remembered that I shouldn’t use a recording, but I summarized the response from one of the main characters.
    â€œI don’t share.” I wrapped one arm around Paisley’s waist and mimicked a move from the show: I petted her hair and smoothed it over so that her skin touched mine. I turned up my cooling system to keep

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