Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2)

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Book: Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2) by Siera London Read Free Book Online
Authors: Siera London
Tags: romantic suspense, African American, military hero, beach town
like the way she looked at him.
    “I don’t want your charity date, Gideon. I have never needed a man to take care of me, and I certainly will not start tonight.” Anger colored her words.
    “I know you can handle yourself. You did a darn good job of handling my clinic, too.” The smile she gave him, had him hitting himself upside the head for waiting until tonight to comment on how efficient she ran the clinic.  
    “Thank you, Gideon. I really appreciate you telling me I made a difference.”
    “You came to my rescue this morning.”
    “The nurse rescuing the Marine? Sounds like we both felt charitable today.”
    “When I look at you the last thing on my mind is charitable works.” He took a step closer to her.
    “Since you broached the subject. What is swirling around in that big brain of yours, if you were to get into my house? How do you see this playing out?” She pointed to herself then aimed her index finger center mass at his chest. “What’s your angle?”
    “I told you earlier today. I don’t have the tolerance for games.” His statement seemed to unruffle her feathers. Her posture relaxed again.
    “I’m going in the house. Thank you Gideon, I had a perfect evening.”  
    “Perfect. That’s an interesting choice of words, how so?”  
    She groaned aloud. “When will I learn? I should have known better. Never say the word perfect in the presence of a mental health professional. Gideon, let’s end the night without a psychoanalysis.” There was a bit of hostility as she spoke his name.  
    “Lina.” He touched her left cheek. He made slow brush strokes across her right cheek with his thumb. “Tell me what made the evening perfect, because I want to know what pleases you.” He’d revealed too much, but the damage was done.  
    “I’m listening, Lina. Tell me what you want.”

    He’s interested in my pleasure. He wanted to know her. Her heart skipped two beats. She parted her lips taking a deep breath to regulate her pulse rate.
    “I loved our ocean view seating. I prefer water, large or small over gardens and woods.” His touch was soothing, but this contact wasn’t like earlier before they left for Drury’s. This touch was sensual, the pressure was slightly deeper and the movement was slower. A lover’s caress.  
    “What else did you like?” The rich tone of voice penetrated her thoughts. His fingers were strong and sure.  
    “It’s nice to share a meal with someone who enjoys a variety of food. I like jazz and R&B, so sharing great food with live music filling the air is a heady combination for me.”
    “And?” He prompted.
    “And...I enjoyed your company.”
    “So, having me near you helped to create your perfect evening?” He was stroking her lower lip now. Deliberate, but feather light. The pad of his thumb grazed the border of her lip en route to her cheek. Then he would repeat the trek.  
    “Yes, I suppose it did.” He lowered his eyes to her mouth. His attention was on her lips as she spoke. Lina felt the hunger in his eyes, a caress as tangible as the clothes she wore. She extended her tongue to wet her lip. Lost in his eyes, Lina didn’t realize she’d licked his thumb until her tongue slid off the tip. They both stilled. She cast her eyes up gaging his response. The surge of heat burning in his eyes, had her insides melting. She locked her knees together, afraid Cricket might force her to call out his name, but his arm slid around her waist pulling her closer.
    “Ah, Gideon, I didn’t mean to do that.” This was embarrassing. Was there a rule of etiquette on how to apologize for licking a gorgeous man’s finger? A very tasty finger. Now she squirmed in his arms.  
    “Be still. Tell me what you didn’t mean to do.”
    “You know. The accidental tongue to thumb thing.”
    “That was an accident? I thought we were starting some male-female mating ritual. I stroke you, you sample me.” A devilish smile crossed his face. She was grateful for the

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