her. Her pure, beautiful body beckoning for my touch, but I froze, fighting the lust within me. I wasn’t here to be sated. I was here for something more than that and she would give me what I wanted.
Two long strides and I was inches away, barely breathing, as she remained unaware of my nearness. Grasping the edge of the shower curtain, I gave it a hard yank. The girl jumped, her mouth opening for a scream that would never come. I thrust a hand forward, covering her mouth, her eyes going wide as I pressed her against the wall of the shower.
“Don’t make a sound or you will die. Nod your head if you understand.” I growled, my hand squeezing her face tighter. She whimpered, tears welling in her eyes, and nodded quickly.
I slowly released my hold on her face, loving the red marks I left behind. She was shivering, not from the cold, but fear. There was no way of knowing how long I had before the others returned so I had to work fast. Such as pity I didn’t have time to play.
“Turn off the water. Now!” I said calmly, quietly, my unblinking eyes staring into hers. She blanched at my tone, which only excited me more. Pinning her with a cold dead stare, I watched as she eased along the wall, her shaky little hands fumbling to do as I ordered.
“Wh...What do you w... want from me?” She whimpered softly.
“You know who I am, don’t you?”
“Y... yes.” She looked at her feet, as if not looking at me would save her.
“Why are you here?” I asked, keeping my voice calm and level. Sounding calm always seemed to panic them more. “What are you planning?”
“I don’t...”
“Don’t lie to me,” I said, barely above a whisper, pulling my knife from its sheath at my hip. The lab tech squealed in terror at the sight of the blade, just as Astra had done months ago. My heart hammered in my chest as the sounds of the two women merged in my mind.
“I took a sample of blood from Sebastian. For comparison to... to yours.”
“Where is it?”
“I mailed it to Mr. Jackson. Please. Please don’t kill me.”
Anger flooded me, mixing with pure adrenaline. I was losing control again. I couldn’t allow that to happen. Sebastian had to pay. They were on to me. It was only a matter of time before they managed to get him released from prison. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Rage won over and I snapped, as I had done with Astra. The knife seemed to lift into the air of its own accord, slashing and digging into the smooth flesh of the woman’s body. It was so beautiful. The yelps of torturous pain were music to my ears, the rivers of red streaming over her pale perfect skin, an eddy of blood and water moving this way and that, painting my masterpiece.
Her body crumpled to the floor in a heap, her chest rising and falling, at first fast and harsh, then slower and slower as her body lost its will to fight. I smiled at her while tilting my head to the side ever so slightly, watching her in amazement. She fascinated me, this young gorgeous creature that suddenly was unafraid. At ease. Then she was gone, erased from the world for getting in my way, for stopping me from achieving what I wanted most, leaving me wondering why she seemed so at peace in her final moments. Why? She was so different from the others.
With a leather gloved hand, I turned the shower back on, making sure to angle the spray away from my masterpiece. Then I backed out of the room, locking and closing the door behind me. I got what I came for and now it was time to leave. It was time to find that fucking blood sample and stop Sebastian’s lawyer from setting him free.
Chapter Eleven - Haven
“If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.”
- Emile Zola
It’s true I didn’t know Meg Charleston very well. I really couldn’t call her a friend… but still, my heart ached at losing her. She was too damn young
Melissa Foster
Shyla Colt
Randy Blackwell
Kendra Leigh Castle
Colleen Hoover, Tarryn Fisher
Jason W. Chan
Maryann Jordan
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sam Gamble
Sarah MacLean