Constant Surprises (Wrong Numbers Series)

Read Online Constant Surprises (Wrong Numbers Series) by Jamallah Bergman, Molly Waters - Free Book Online

Book: Constant Surprises (Wrong Numbers Series) by Jamallah Bergman, Molly Waters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamallah Bergman, Molly Waters
    “I didn’t know you knew
Japanese so well, I mean, I know you are part Japanese and all but―”
    “That’s right. You
didn’t know, did you? Well, we better go back inside for dessert. It’s your
    They walked to the
house and sat on the porch swing. “Why don’t we just sit and talk for a while.
I’m still digesting dinner here. Tell me, how’d you learned Japanese so well?”
    “While I was in school,
I asked my parents about my birth parents. I didn’t think they would help me
out, but they were happy to do so.” Amie continued with the story of how she
found her parents. “My dad didn’t have any living relatives that I could find,
but through my mother I am happy to say I have two half-brothers and one
sister.” Amie smiled.
    “That’s wonderful news.
I’m so happy for you. Did you get to meet her?”
    “Actually, when I got
the info, I waited a couple of days before I started looking for her. I was so
nervous. I didn’t know whether or not she would want to see or talk with me
plus the fact she was Japanese and I didn’t know if she even spoke English. I
called her number, asked for her, and she spoke perfect English. I was so
relieved. When I started telling her who I was, she started crying.” Tears started
to form in her eyes.
    “And she told me that
she had been praying and waiting for a sign because she didn’t know what had
happened to me. She told me that my dad had taken me back to the states with
him because they had decided that a biracial child would have a better future
elsewhere than in Japan. So, he brought me to Kansas where he was stationed at
Leavenworth. That’s where he put me up for adoption. She said she had kept in
touch with him for about a year. She had prayed for me throughout the years,
hoping I was well and happy and with a family that could take care of me right.
I told her about Mom and Dad and what I had been doing. She told me that I had
to come and meet my family. I told her I would.
    “While I was on my
summer break, I went to Japan. My half-brother Ichiro and his wife picked me up
at the airport then took me to the village where I finally got to meet her. She
was such a little thing, so delicate and tiny. I thought if I was going to hug
her that she would break. But was I wrong because she had a grip on her like
you wouldn’t believe. The whole village came out to see me because she had told
everybody about her daughter coming home. I also met my other brother, Jiro , my sister, Asa , and my
stepfather. Yasuo .”
    “That was a happy moment.
I’m proud you had the courage to find your mother. So what else happened while
you were there?”
    “I got to meet my
grandmother who was about a hundred years old. I couldn’t believe it. While I
was there we would go for walks. I didn’t understand a word she said. I just
nodded and she would point out certain things. I got to learn how to write in
Japanese a little. I still can’t speak it, but I’m still working on it. I did
learn to cook some. The food was so good; we just ate and ate. My birth mom
taught me so much about certain foods and ingredients; how they go with this
and that. It was an amazing month. We talk every two weeks…I call her or she’ll
call me. I got her a laptop and Asa has taught her
how to use it. Sometimes we Skype and I see everybody from the village. It’s
really funny.” Amie laughed as she handed back his handkerchief to him. He,
too, wiped his eyes.
    “Wow, that’s an amazing
story, Amie, I’m so happy for you. I really am. Not to change the subject, but
what do you have for dessert?”   Amie
smiled. Roy started laughing. With her finger, she motioned him to follow her
as they both walked back inside.
    Once Roy sat down, she
went into the kitchen and grabbed something from the basket. “Now, you will
have to close your eyes while I’m making this. No peeking or turning your head
to see what I’m up to,” Amie said putting something in

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