Connors Pursuit (Amber Woods Shifters)

Read Online Connors Pursuit (Amber Woods Shifters) by Arabella Rose - Free Book Online

Book: Connors Pursuit (Amber Woods Shifters) by Arabella Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arabella Rose
    Brianna chuckled and rubbed the bump on her stomach. Lizzy could see how settled her friend was now and if she was honest, truly honest, she wanted a piece of that as well.
    Connor sat o pposite his alpha, legs loosely crossed at the ankles, arms folded in his lap. To anyone else he looked calm and collected, inside his wolf was on edge and wanted justice for his mate. Marcus stood, arms crossed, wave after wave of alpha energy rolling off him. Connor had just spent the last half hour bringing him up to speed on the situation.
    “So , her wolf is still bound, the seer that did this is dead and you need to find a way to resolve this but either way you are still going to claim her?”
    Typical Marcus straight to the point.
    “Yes, she is mine, but somehow she sees herself as not complete and I get that, but even if we cannot get her wolf back I will still want her as my mate”
    Marcus whistled out a low tone.
    “Shit, that sounds like some serious stuff your saying there my friend”
    Connor laughed low, pulling himself forward on his chair. For a moment he looked down at his hands clasped in front of him, then back up at his alpha and oldest friend. Yes, it was serious stuff, hell he even knew that he had already fallen head over heels in love with Lizzy.
    “I don’t want anyone else Marcus, she is all I need, but If I can fix that one problem and make my mate feel complete again then I will move heaven and earth to do that”
    Marcus nodded briskly before picking up his phone, making a quick call to Luke. After he ended the conversation he sat back in his chair, staring intently at Connor.
    “Luke is on his way here, the information you asked him to trace has come up with a positive hit which I think may just be the answer we need to help her. As your alpha I will do everything I can, give you any resource you need. However I need your assurance that this will not impact on Brianna too much, especially with her being pregnant”
    “You have my word, I will try and keep her out of the situation as much as possible, but she is strong willed and is Lizzy’s best friend”
    Marcus barked out a loud laugh, before settling his hands behind his head, his grin wide.
    “Yes I agree she is strong willed, it’s what I love about her”
    A knock sounded at the door, before a tense looking Luke walked in. His hair had come loose from the band he tied it back with and his eyes stormy with agitation. Connor and Marcus gave each other a questioning look.
    “Everything ok Luke?”
    Marcus narrowed his eyes trying to get a read on his emotions, which at the moment were all over the place.
    As soon as Luke’s phone rang when he was driving back into pack territory he cursed a thousand words. So close. Again he had every intention of finishing off his conversation with Anna and finally making the move to show her exactly how much he desired her. But, once again, something got in the way. Growling at the ID display he watched Anna park her car next to the pack house, making quick work of the front door and disappearing for the fucking second time tonight. Sometimes he wished he had chosen to stay at lunar securities, so he did not have to answer to an alpha, but then he would never have met Anna. This is some messed up shit, he grumbled to himself as he walked to the alpha house.
    Both men stared at him as if he had just grown three heads.
    “Fine, just got caught up in something personal that’s all”
    “Personal or ………..?” Connor asked
    “Exactly as I said, you wanted the information I retrieved?”
    Connor cleared his throat and sat up straighter. The guy obviously had some issues going on right now and he guessed it was to do with Anna. Better to steer clear of those type of questions for now. Marcus sat forward, clasping his hands in front of him.
    “So what did you find out, facts not bullshit”
    Luke nodded his head once then sat down next to Connor, setting up his laptop ready to divulge. The

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