
Read Online Confession by Gary Whitmore - Free Book Online

Book: Confession by Gary Whitmore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gary Whitmore
asked Jimmy to get the conversation going between the two.
    “It is and I love it,” replied Fran while she made a left turn down another street.
    It was a quiet in the Victoria while Fran drove through the streets of Boldger and headed west.   Jimmy lit up a Lucky Strike cigarette to act cool.
    “Put that cigarette out.  Daddy will kill me if he thinks I’ve been smoking in his car.”
    Jimmy rolled down his window and flicked out his cigarette out his window.  He rolled the window back up.
    Once Fran drove out of the city limits on the eastern side of Boldger, Jimmy slid across the front seat and sat next to Fran.  She didn’t say anything so he took that that she approved.  He decided that since that move worked, he would try another one so he put his arm around Fran’s shoulder.  She did not resist his romantic move.  He smiled and felt like a stud.
    Fran drove down Route 123 that was the road that led to the next town of Harpersville.  Jimmy pondered if he should take another bold step and try to touch Fran’s left boob with fingertips of his left hand.  He decided to wait until they got to the lake.  He thought that touching her bare nipples would be better than fondling her breast through her blouse material.
    Fran drove her dad’s Victoria a quarter of a mile down Route 123 then she slowed down and made a left turn onto a dirt road.
    Jimmy’s heart started to race knowing they were getting closer and closer to the lake.
    She drove the Victoria one hundred yards down the dirt road and the headlights showed tire tracks in the road of previous visitors. 
    She soon drove to the fifty-foot circular dirt clearing by the edge of the lake.  It was where the kids would park at night by the lake to fool around and hopefully get laid.  Jimmy saw the tire tracks of previous cars that were all over the dirt. 
    Tonight the clearing was void of other cars and this made Jimmy happy that he would have Fran all to himself tonight.
    Fran parked the car and left the engine and headlights on.
    “Let’s go have some fun,” she said and blew a kiss at Jimmy to indicate he had a great chance for sex.
    Jimmy couldn’t wait and he lunged over at Fran and planted a kiss on her lips.
    Fran pushed him away.  “Hold your horses.  There will plenty of time for that outside by the lake.”
    Jimmy felt a little embarrassed.  “You’re right.”
    “Let’s go,” she said and gave Jimmy another wink.
    Fran and Jimmy opened their doors and got out of the car.
    They walked over to the edge of the lake and looked out at the full Moon that reflected on the waves of the water.
    Jimmy got brave and decided to go for it again.  He leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips.  She accepted his kiss, and they soon engaged in a passionate kiss. 
    She pulled him away then leaned in to his ear.  “I want you Jimmy and I want you now,” she whispered in his ear.   She looked at Jimmy while she ran the tip of her tongue around her lips.  “Here’s want I want.  I want you to strip for me then I’ll strip for you.”
    “Okay,” Jimmy said and almost popped his buttons while he fumbled with unbuttoning his shirt.
    “Hand me your clothes so they don’t get dirty,” she requested with a seductive tone.
    Jimmy handed her his shirt, and she dropped it on the hood of her car.
    He removed his tee shirt and handed it to Fran.
    He removed his black Keds Converse sneakers and socks and handed them to Fran.
    She placed them on top of his shirt and tee shirt.
    He unzipped his jeans and pulled them down.  His erection immediately poked out from his white boxer shorts.
    Fran snickered when she saw his boner, as it was not that big.  In fact, Jimmy’s member was smaller than average.
    Jimmy pulled his boxers down and handed her his pants and underwear.  She dropped them on the hood of her car.
    Jimmy stood bare ass naked in the dirt with the headlights of Fran’s car providing the wilderness a perfect view of his

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