
Read Online Confabulation by Ronald Thomas - Free Book Online

Book: Confabulation by Ronald Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald Thomas
for the next few days.
    Henry noticed Kelly returning, adorable as always in her sweats and t-shirt. "Kelly, I forgot to tell you something."
    "What is it?" She reached across the island, grabbed a carrot, and began chewing.
    "Um, I’m pretty sure I forgot to tell you I’ll be out of town for a few days."
    "Yeah, you forgot. Now, what am I supposed to do?” She crossed her arms, and pouted. A little thing, but Henry felt the familiarity and comfort between them again. Made lying to her feel even worse.
    "We have meetings at a client office for several days. I’m hoping to be done Saturday."
    "Saturday? How long have you known?"
    "I just found out this morning. I was pissed, and wasn’t going to go, but Dennis got called onto another project with the seniors."
    She dropped her arms. "Oh, well, when do you leave?"
    "First thing in the morning, but you can call me anytime you want while I’m gone."
    "Oh, I will. I’ll call so many times, they’ll never send you to one of those stupid meeting meetings again."
    Henry and Kelly laughed and hugged. Henry rubbed her head gently and stepped back toward the kitchen. "Now, I need to finish dinner."
    "Well, I’ll just be on the couch with a book."
    "I’ll let you know when it’s ready. It should still be another half hour or so."
    "Okay." She kissed him briefly and hopped into the nearby couch.
    Henry laughed and returned to the stove.
    He knew he was pushing it. With the lies and with work, but he just needed a few more days. Something was about to happen. He knew it. With his whole being he knew it was true.
    He just wished he knew why he knew it.

    CHAPTER 14
    Simon sat in his house wondering what he was supposed to do with the bizarre information he had received. Someone was messing with his mind. His thoughts. He believed that, but wondered if he really did. He guessed if someone was making him believe it, then he had good reason to go along. But, he didn’t know who these people were, why they were doing it, or who he could trust.
    He wondered through his house in a haze. Not one caused by blindness, but by a mix of anger, fear, and confusion. He needed some contact. Needed to know what to do next. Alone, his thoughts turned to the worst.
    Maybe both sides were working together. Play him against each side to get him to do what they really wanted. Sure, someone said they were trying to help, but Simon didn’t see them, or know any more about them. Other than they were watching him. Not very comforting.
    He opened the refrigerator door, and reached for a bottle of soda. As he pulled the bottle from the door, his vision began to blur. He hurriedly set the bottle down, shut the door, and sat on the floor. He knew where this was headed.
    Sparkles and worms crawled across his vision, but the blank out didn’t happen. It wasn’t anything like he remembered it should be. He tried to stand, but he slipped back down. Couldn’t identify up from down.
    Half an hour passed.
    Simon changed positions. Sprawled on the floor.
    An hour passed.
    A headache grew between his eyes.
    Another hour passed.
    "Is this it?” Simon stared at the ceiling. His hands balled into fists. “Is your little game over? Was the restaurant some kind of test?” He pounded the floor. “Who the hell are you?" His mind danced among the possibilities and his heart began to throb. Taking a breath was labored, as fear tightened his chest. He tried to scream, but the terror took the wind from his throat.
    Another hour passed.
    Simon rocked on the floor in a fetal position. His mind jumped from horrible reason to terrifying solution. He was sure that his time would end. The pain in his head continued to grow. He couldn’t stand due to the disorientation. Worse now than he could have imagined. He could feel tears flowing down his face, though his mind was too busy to know that he was crying.
    Time ceased to have any meaning as the pain and distorted vision continued. His

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