Condemn Me Not

Read Online Condemn Me Not by Dianne Venetta, Jaxadora Design - Free Book Online

Book: Condemn Me Not by Dianne Venetta, Jaxadora Design Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dianne Venetta, Jaxadora Design
told me this morning.”  Claire’s heart lodged in her throat.  “She’s been
accepted to the University of Paris.”
don’t understand,” Jim said flatly, expecting her to clarify.
explained as much as she could, relaying the morning’s conversation, along with
the bits and pieces she picked up as the girls were leaving that afternoon. 
She hated to add to his burden, his stress.  It was her job to be his sounding
board, his source of refuge when he came home after a hard day at work, not
dump more onto his load.
lowered to a chair at the kitchen table.  Place settings were already arranged
for dinner, a woven basket situated neatly in the center, empty and awaiting
the corn bread.  Looking at nothing, her husband sat back, digesting,
absorbing, turning the news this way and that as was his custom.  When he decided
on a direction, he’d speak.
spotted the first bubbles rising from the bottom of her pot.  A few more
minutes and she could add the rice.  She turned back to him and saw the wheels of
his brain slow.  “She’s already been accepted, you say?”
and I don’t know how to dissuade her.  She seems so intent on it.”
looked at her, an odd speculation taking residence in his gaze.  “Why would you
dissuade her?”
we can’t afford college in Paris—it’s too far, it’s too much...”  Claire
grasped hold of the counter behind her.
you know how much it is?”
exactly, but I know it won’t be cheap.”
considered it for moment.  A long moment and Claire was chomping at the bit to
intercept his thoughts.  He couldn’t seriously be considering sending his
daughter to college in Paris, could he?  Was he insane?  Had her whole family
lost their minds?
think we should discuss this, Claire.”
Jim, how can we afford it?  We can barely manage the out-of-state tuition at
Rhode Island.”
swung a low gaze around the kitchen, his mind heavy with contemplation.  She
could feel him thinking it through, weighing the pros and cons, the prospect of
what it would mean to their finances, his business.  “It’ll be close,” he said,
“but I think we may be able to swing it.”  Concern mixed with excitement as he
added, “Becky may have to work part-time during the latter years, but I don’t
think she’ll mind, do you?”
Claire recognized the sound of boiling water as she absorbed the blow.  Jim
wanted Rebecca to go to Paris ?
it’s one of the best schools in the world and she’s been accepted...”  Pride
lit up his face with a grin as he misread her silence.  “Then I say we give her
every chance we can!”  He reached for his beer.
the second time in one day, Claire couldn’t breathe.  She couldn’t move, her
body numbed by disbelief as she watched him drink.  He wasn’t kidding.  Jim was
willing to let Rebecca go.  Claire dropped her gaze as her mind raced with
objection.  What was he thinking?  How could he let her go?
Jim rose and walked toward her.  She registered the movement, knew she should
respond, but couldn’t.  “Are you okay?”
reaction wasn’t what she expected.  She had expected an ally, support.  She
expected him to refuse, and in no uncertain terms.  Claire glanced around the
stove, but refrained from grabbing the rice.  She was too shaky and would most
likely make a mess of it.  The thought of making Rebecca’s deception a key
factor gave Claire fleeting hope, but she couldn’t.  Wouldn’t.
sounded so excited by the prospect.
cupped his hands around her cheeks.  “You look pale.”  He studied her face,
searched her eyes.  “Are you feeling all right?”
she uttered, her insides tearing apart.  “I’m fine.”
you worried about the money?”
and few hundred other things ! Claire wanted to shout.
good, honey.  Our finances are solid. 

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