
Read Online Concisus by Tracy Rozzlynn - Free Book Online

Book: Concisus by Tracy Rozzlynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracy Rozzlynn
Tags: Verita
but the defeated crumple of his face tells me all I need to know. I decide to take a chance and share my theory. I have to choose my words carefully, and even then, Jake may think I’m crazy. But if I’m going to take a chance, who better to believe me than someone who’s suffering a broken heart?
    “I think I can help you, if you promise to keep an open mind,” I say.
    “Yeah, of course I can. How?” He regards me warily.
    “I’m serious. I need you to be open, because what I’m going to say is going to sound crazy.” He nods giving me his undivided attention. “Think back to when Molly first met Alex. Did it seem like a case of love at first sight?”
    Jake’s nostrils flare in disgust. “Yeah, something like that. But I figured she’d come to her senses by now. He’s bossy and condescending and —”
    I hold up my hands to stop him. “It was kind of like when Andi met Jackson, or Wendy met Adam, or Zachary met Sarah?”
    Jake’s eyes suddenly brighten. “It was just like that. Really weird and creepy.”
    “Tell me about it.” I sigh. “Actually, I can tell you what it’s like from firsthand experience. When I was with Brody, nothing else mattered other than being with him. I didn’t like his friends or many of his opinions, but the overwhelming attraction I had for him cancelled out all rational thought.”
    “So what changed?”
    “I got away from the base.”
    Jake stands up and paces the lab. “You think something on the base is causing these exaggerated romantic attractions? Something’s making Molly want to be with Alex, no matter how badly he treats her?”
    I brace myself for Jake to say I’m insane when I say, “I think the field managers are using the pods to manipulate everyone’s feelings and thoughts, but if I’m right, the solution is pretty simple.”
    “That’s what’s happening to Molly and the rest of our friends? They’re being brainwashed?” He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. The uncomfortable silence in the lab stretches on. I fear I’ve said too much, more than he can accept.
    “Then why haven’t Dean or I been affected?” His voice is as hard and cold as his stare.
    “I don’t think you’ve met your assigned match yet.” My voice quivers. I can’t tell if Jake’s angry at me or the situation. “You probably think I’m crazy right about now.”
    “No. I’m not blind.” His voice softens as he drops into a computer chair. “I’ve noticed the strange relationships. If you told me it was something in the water that would make sense, but to think that someone’s intentionally doing this to us—” Jake’s eyes are wild with confusion and fury. He bangs his fist against the counter. “If what you’re saying is true, we should tell someone.”
    I pull over a chair and sit across from Jake so I can look him in the eyes. “Of course we should tell someone, but even if we had evidence, just who would we tell? The field managers? The very same people I suspect are responsible for this? Up until a few days ago I would have confided in Dr. Brant, but with the way she’s acting it’s no longer an option.”
    “Yeah, I see your point,” Jake concedes. “But what I don’t understand is how and why? What’s the point in it all? Just what are they getting out of it?”
    “I think it’s mostly about procreation. The sooner we start to procreate, the better. But how many eighteen-year-olds do you know that are ready to settle down and become parents? Remember the dating drama of high school? It was next to impossible to keep up with the latest break-ups and who was dating who. Besides me, have you heard of a single break-up on Verita?” I don’t wait for Jake to answer. “I’m pretty sure they’re using the pods to do it. Think about it, Jake. If they can train us in our sleep for specific jobs, what’s to stop them from matching us up and then predisposing us to be attracted to our matches?
    Jake chews his bottom lip while he

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