COME WHEN CALLED #7, The Sunrise (Billionaire & Biker MMF Menage Romance Serial)

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Book: COME WHEN CALLED #7, The Sunrise (Billionaire & Biker MMF Menage Romance Serial) by Piper Trace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Piper Trace
can’t watch him do that to you, and I can’t love him from afar like you do. I can’t.” Now the tears fell and she didn’t care. She was too miserable to care if she looked weak in front of Ford.
    Charley turned to Ford. “Do something,” he begged. “Help me get her to stay.”
    Ford looked over at them, his arms crossed, mashing his lips together in resignation. “Come on, Charley.” He gave the man a crooked smile and stretched his hand out to him. “Let’s go get in the shower, and then we’ll figure this out over breakfast.”
    Upon hearing words that Charley had never heard from Ford, he took a step toward the billionaire, but he didn’t let go of Evie’s hand. “But…Evie…” His voice cut off.
    Ford smiled indulgently, as if he’d just agreed to buy Charley a puppy. “Okay, Evie, can join us.” Ford turned that hundred-watt smile to her, his face transforming into the one she loved, all dimples and magnetism. The smile that had convinced her to go down this rabbit hole to begin with. He curled his mouth into a semblance of wicked bad-boy.
    Those dimples. The shower. She wanted everything to be okay. She wanted to believe this morning had never happened. She was blinded for a moment with thoughts of what the three of them could do together in the shower.
    Tempted, she stepped forward, but Ford’s next words bound her to the spot. “But only if Evie can remember to be the professional I hired her to be. I don’t want any more complications like we had this morning.”
    She stopped. “‘The professional you hired me to be’? You mean a whore.”
    Ford’s eyes softened, pain flashing through them, mirroring her own. “Evie, you were never a whore.”
    “You’re right I never was.” She took a deep breath. “And I never felt like one until this morning.”
    Wrenching herself from Charley’s grip, Evie ran out of Ford’s room to her own, slamming her door and locking it behind her.


    EVIE STAGGERED TO her closet to pack her things. She’d let herself do it again—fall for a man like John, a man who didn’t need her, a man who’d throw her away when he was done using her. She knew better and she’d let it happen anyway.
    But even in her miserable state she knew it wasn’t a fair thought. Ford hadn’t used her the way John had. Ford had been honest from the start about what he wanted and she’d gone along with the plan willingly. She’d let business become personal. She’d ignored the carefully defined boundaries of their relationship. She only had herself to blame, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
    The thought of leaving was devastating, and that was precisely the problem. She wasn’t even a month into her commitment and she was already tearing herself apart, looking for more from Ford than he would give her. If she stayed the full year she’d be in a pitiable state by the end, even more desperately in love with a man who didn’t want her. A man who would make her leave so he could find a new woman to take her place in his bed, on his rug, over his desk, with Charley.
    Her beautiful closet wavered in her vision as tears threatened to spill again.
    Pulling out the duffel bag she’d shown up to the estate with, she realized she had little to pack. She’d gotten rid of most everything except the new wardrobe Ford had lavished on her, but she wasn’t going to take those items. She couldn’t stand to look at the clothes he’d picked out for her, so she took only what she needed to get by for a few days.
    She spread out her throwing knives on top of the stack of clothes and carefully zipped her bag around them, cursing herself for not ordering the knife sheath she’d meant to, now that she was going back out into the world beyond Ford’s stone walls. Taking one last look around the most gorgeous bedroom she’d ever have, she left, closing the door firmly behind her.
    The voice came from behind her, making her

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