Colonial Prime

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Book: Colonial Prime by KD Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: KD Jones
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friend and had been only kind to her.  She touched her friend ’s arm to get her attention.  “I’m sorry.  It’s none of my business.  Please don’t be angry with me.”
    Lizzie patted her knee reassuringly. “Na, I’m not mad.  But I can’t talk about them right now.”
    “ Okay.  Just know that I am here for you.”
    Lizzie nodded h er head and turned to look at the viewing screen.  “Wow, what a view.”

Chapter Seven
    That was an understatement.  Lola watched the viewing screen as the shuttle flew over the Colonial city moving toward one of the nearby moun tains.  It was incredible.  All the lush green trees and the strange colored flowers.  She wanted to go exploring through the trails.  But that would be too dangerous to do without a guide to go with her.
    She watched as the y flew high up over the mountain.  It was so far from the Colonial city, so remote the only way to the village was by shuttle.  She saw the landing field, which was a cleared area.  Smoke stacks further away showed her where the village was probably located.
    Lola felt a little nervous.  She wasn’t sure what to expect.  Normally she always researched a place before visiting, she even read everything she could about Katiera before ever applying to relocate.  She didn’t like going somewhere she didn’t know what to expect.
    The shuttle softly landed and LarIS unbuckled his seat belt.  He turned to her.  “Stay here until I explain to the village leader who you are.”
    Lola nodded her head.  Lizzie also agreed to remain seated.  She watched him as he ordered AshOR to unload the supplies.  It was cl ear to her the two men had been here numerous times.  That did make her feel a little bit better.  LarIS wouldn't let anything happen to her, she felt that to her core.
    ' Of course I will protect you always.  But I promise there is no danger from the villagers.  However, they will be curious about you,' LarIS said to her using their telepathic link.  He wanted to reassure her.
    ' Stop reading my mind, LarIS,' she reprimanded him even though his words made her feel secure and safe.  She heard his laughter in her head.  It made her smile. 
    About fifteen minutes later , LarIS came back onboard the shuttle and helped her and Lizzie off.  She noticed a really tall man stood to the side with his arms crossed across his chest.  He had one blue eye with gold iris and one brown eye with the gold iris.  She tried not to stare at him but he was giving her and Lizzie a thorough inspection.  LarIS was there at her side and gently took her elbow in his hand as he led her over to the stranger.
    “ Leader ZenIM, I would like to introduce you to Lola Marquesa and this is Lizzie Connell.”  He motioned to both women.  “Lola and Lizzie, this is the Leader ZenIM from the village.”
    The tall man bent at his waist.  When he stood back up, his eyes zeroed in on Lola.  They were a little bit disconcerting.  She wondered if he was one of the ones that had problems seeing.
    “ It is a pleasure to meet the two of you.”
    He had a very pleasant voice.  L ola gave him a tentative smile.  She raised her hands and signed, “It is a pleasure to meet you as well.”
    The man looked at her hands confused.  Lizzie interpreted for her.  “ She says it’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”
    “ She speaks with her hands?” he asked Lizzie.
    “ Yes.  She lost her hearing at an early age and the translator implants do not work right.  She can also read your lips so you can speak directly to her.”
    He quickly turned his head toward Lola.  “ My apologies if I offended you.  We have people here that have similar mutations.  Did the Morins cause this for you?”
    “ No.  I had this before I met the Morins.”
    “ You’ve encountered the Morins?”  He seemed shocked and concerned.
    Lola didn ’t want to talk about this with a stranger, but she didn’t know how to not answer without offending him. 

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