Collision Force

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Book: Collision Force by C.A. Szarek Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A. Szarek
wasn’t as tall as Cole, probably six-one, and made of lean muscle. The hospital gown didn’t take away his dignity, and a sling around his neck lay unused.
    He told Cole to call him Pete and eased back into his bed. Cole didn’t miss the slight wince as he resettled himself, but neither he nor Andi mentioned it.
    She was rigid, looking around the room, her conversation even to her partner stiff and unnatural, from what he’d known of her so far. Pete studied her and Cole shifted on his feet when his green-eyed stare rested on him. It was like the guy could see through him.
    The small talk stopped when Andi’s cell phone rang and she glanced at the screen. “I’ve gotta take this.”
    Pete nodded and before Cole could acknowledge her, she slipped out of the room into the corridor.
    “What did you do to my partner? I haven’t seen her like that in ages. It’s like you kissed her or something.” Pete shook his head, but his gaze was keen.
    Cole said nothing, concentrating hard on giving a blank expression.
    Unfortunately, understanding dawned on Andi’s partner’s face. “You did kiss her, huh?”
    He wanted to be sarcastic and shrug it off. He didn’t even know this guy, but he was going to admit it. Why the hell was he going to tell him? “Last night.”
    Pete’s eyes widened, then he cocked his head to the side. “How’d that go for you?”
    “It didn’t,” Cole said.
    “Well, you don’t have any fresh bullet holes, so I’d say it didn’t go as badly as it could have,” the detective said, his tone serious.
    Cole said nothing for a moment then squared his shoulders. “I don’t get involved with women I work with, so don’t worry about it. It won’t happen again.” He was still trying his best to convince himself. Especially after his shower incident.
    “Oh, I’m not worried. Andi can hold her own,” Pete said, then gave him a long look. “But FBI agent or not, if you hurt her—or that little boy—I will personally hunt you down. They mean the world to me.”
    Once again, Cole’s instinct to lighten the comment with sarcasm or humour fizzled out when he met Pete’s eyes. Andi’s partner was completely serious. What exactly did the other man feel for Andi? Cole was hit with a wave of possessiveness he had no right to.
    “There’s nothing to worry about,” he repeated. “I’ve never gotten romantically involved…or otherwise”—Pete gave him a wry grin—“with any woman I’ve worked with. I’m not about to break that record.” Though he’d already kissed her, so did his record still stand? He ignored that train of thought.
    Andi’s partner studied him, then gave a curt nod. Pete was going to drop it.
    They talked for a few moments more, an instant ease between them. Cole genuinely liked the guy. Detective Peter Crane was tall, blond and good-looking. He wasn’t married—did that have something to do with Andi?
    They were laughing when she walked back into the room.
    Andi’s irritation flared and she glared at them both. Pete shot her a curious look, but said nothing. Cole flashed a smile, dimples and all, but Andi ignored it—and the way her stomach jumped—as she took a seat at the end of Pete’s bed. Her partner’s eyes were dancing. What the hell was so amusing?
    “So, when are you getting out of here?” Cole asked Pete.
    Her partner shrugged. “Soon, I hope. My arm’s fine.” He lifted it to prove it, obviously ignoring the empty sling.
    Andi shook her head. “But what about your lungs?” What if Pete wasn’t as well as he was trying to convince them?
    “Fine.” Pete nodded. Andi gave him a long look. “Seriously, partner, I’m fine.”
    “Can we talk about the night you got shot?” Cole asked. They both looked at him.
    “As you saw in the report, I didn’t see anyone,” Pete said, his tone hard, but full of regret. She knew he was angry at himself more than anything.
    Guilt rushed her and Andi studied her shoes. Pete reached for

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