
Read Online CollectiveMemory by Tielle St. Clare - Free Book Online

Book: CollectiveMemory by Tielle St. Clare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tielle St. Clare
    Cayl shook his head. “The Council did not arrange lodging.
We all assumed that it would take less than a day to track Harken because I
knew where to begin and this is such a—”
    “Primitive world, I know,” Devin finished, fumbling to get
her phone out of her tiny purse, presumably forgetting that her jacket still
hadn’t been buttoned. Mace took the chance to get another look at her breasts
and noticed Cayl was doing the same. Mace felt his mouth pull up in a wicked
half smile. Possibilities raced through his brain. He could imagine the both of
them, naked and in his bed. Devin cuffed and stretched out on the mattress.
Somehow he thought Cayl would appreciate the sight.
    “Fine. I’ll find you a place to sleep.” Devin tapped on her
    “He can stay with me.” The offer was out before Mace could
stop it. Then realized, what the hell? If nothing else, he’d get to see Devin
again when she picked Cayl up. She’d no doubt be wearing a suit of armor by
then but now that he knew what her naked breasts looked like, he could call up
the memory whenever he wanted.
    “That will be fine,” Cayl said, speaking before Devin got a
chance. “All I need is a place to rest this human form and you can provide
    “Very well.” Cayl lifted his chin and looked down his nose
at Devin. “Agent Denning, since you will not assist me tonight, I will be
resting with Mace. You may collect me in the morning and we will continue our
    As if that concluded the night, Cayl spun on his heel and
headed toward Mace’s car.
    Devin’s eyes squinted into a vicious glare. “Take care of
    “I will.”
    “I’ll be by in the morning to pick him up.”
    “You need my address.”
    “No. I have it,” she snarled as she turned away. The flaps
of her jacket fluttered open and Mace was only sad that he wasn’t in front of
her, ready to enjoy the delicious display.
    Wait. She had his address? He’d done everything he could to
get his home address off the web, out of reach. How the hell did she know where
he lived?
    “Let us go,” Cayl commanded.
    Mace did a slow turn and stared at his new passenger. Alien
or not they were going to get one thing straight. “It’s my house, my rules, my
    * * * * *
    The sounds of shuffling dragged Mace out of his bed and down
the hall to his guestroom. He stopped by the door. Footsteps padded across
creaking floorboards and back again. Cayl was obviously having a hard time
sleeping. Unable to resist, Mace pressed his ear up against he door. Step,
step, grunt, and what? A whimper? What the hell was going on?
    Mace tapped on the door, opening it as he poked his head
inside. Cayl stood in the middle of the room, moonlight streaming across the
floor, his hands propped on his hips, his jeans hanging low. His shirt was
gone, thrown on the floor like he’d ripped it off in a fit of irritation.
    “You okay, man?”
    “I do not understand how you do it.”
    “Do what?”
    “How do humans shut off these senses long enough to find
    Mace hid his grin. So the guy was going to continue his “I’m
an alien” routine. That was okay. He could play like that.
    Cayl spun around and glared at him. “If I could possibly get
used to the scent of the bedclothes, there is the constant hum of your food
storage unit and the tree brushing against the roof.” He paused. “And if I
could ignore all of that, my shaft has remained hard since we left that club
making it impossible for me to sleep.”
    Mace let his gaze drop to Cayl’s crotch and sure enough,
there was a distinctive bulge that indicated the poor man was in some
discomfort. Oh yeah. I can definitely play with that.
    “How am I to correct this?” Cayl demanded.
    “Correct it?”
    “It’s obviously defective. I was given to understand a
male’s shaft got hard when the human was preparing for intercourse. I am alone
and quite obviously not preparing to have intercourse, so why is

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