Cold Blooded Assassin Book 6: Red Horizon (Nick McCarty Assassin)

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Book: Cold Blooded Assassin Book 6: Red Horizon (Nick McCarty Assassin) by Bernard Lee DeLeo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bernard Lee DeLeo
Tags: thriller, adventure, Espionage, Action, Military, assassin
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open. I told them I served Allah to keep Islam free. They would whisper, ‘but we are free here’. The longer I stayed, the more disillusioned I became. I became angry with the quiet believers who said nothing. I asked them why if they thought what we were doing was wrong… then why did they not speak out. They were too frightened. I grew up in a small village. Sharia Law was meaningless there. I learned the true face Sharia Law shows in secret, with honor killings, female subjugation and mutilation, stonings, murders, suicidal death on a whim while Islam’s leaders live like kings.”
    Johnny drew Cala into his embrace. “I will die before I allow such blasphemy here. If Cala is approached even one more time by her idiot Kader family, I will hunt them down like the jackals they are. I will do El Kabong movies of each death.”
    “Count me in,” Gus said.
    “El Muerto will be at your side, Kabong. Let’s get Fen in the freezer. I think we’ll have a short time to enjoy the beach before we have to move on Fernando. It’s the weekend. I’ll pack a bag and bring Jean, Quinn, Rachel, and Deke with me.”
    “Until we deal with Fernando, maybe you should drive everywhere,” Gus suggested. “We’re not even sure Carone wouldn’t have added you onto Fen’s hit list.”
    “Those ‘bangers will be out this morning in spite of their lawyer’s unfortunate passing,” Johnny reminded everyone. “I think Payaso is right, Muerto. It may be dangerous for you to walk around. What about your new ascendency to number one assassin in the world?”
    Nick shrugged while they placed the Fenric bag on the gurney for transport. “There’s a bunch of notes on my drop, some from my fellow assassins. Apparently they figured rightfully I was no longer taking contracts since ending Frank Richert’s NSA power grab. Since learning the fate of Moreau, I’m getting very popular. Moreau’s old employers are a bunch I’d like to deal with for one reason: to get into a position to put a bullet through their heads. There are Saudi potentates with numerous wives who would rather a professional assassin murder their wives. I swear to God… sometimes… I feel like doing a hit list through the Saudi royal family. Their money funds chaos throughout the world, along with the shitheads who follow that murderous cult of Islam: Wahhabism. I admit I’d take a hit on a Saudi royal family member in a heartbeat.”
    Gus stopped the procession. He pointed a finger at Nick. “That means you’ve been recruited to do exactly that. You’re warming us up for the trigger. Bad Muerto… bad.”
    Nick shrugged. “I was offered a million dollars to take out a Saudi royal prince. It’s flaky by a source I’m unfamiliar with. It’s just one of many I’ve gotten since suspicions were confirmed by Felix’s handlers. They want to adopt me too. I don’t answer the drop e-mail unless it comes from our close personal contacts. I’ve lit up the ‘Dark Web’. Every suspicion about how Felix met death has been gone over in significant detail there, with me as the star.”
    “What name do you go by on the ‘Dark Web’, Muerto,” Cala asked.
    “Terminator,” Nick answered with a grin. “I know Gus introduced Rachel and Jean to the tag long ago. It’s a game. So many departments scan me, measuring prosecution, it’s funny in a way. I hope they’re actually paying attention to the real enemy.”
    “I remember a time when your tag on the ‘Dark Web’ was funny,” Gus said. “After the first time you helped me rescue my brother and friends, I knew the Terminator tag was absolutely accurate. It has proven true in every single op we’ve ever taken. I don’t talk Muerto out of various venues of course. It doesn’t mean I don’t know all he’s done. It means I trust him to be on the right side of every single action in his name. He has been, and I trust he will be so until we end this. The more we talk, the thirstier I get, and the more I

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