Cold as Ice

Read Online Cold as Ice by Jody Morse, Jayme Morse - Free Book Online

Book: Cold as Ice by Jody Morse, Jayme Morse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jody Morse, Jayme Morse
Tags: Vampires
door s across the hall. She had been watching one of the guys who lived in the room from afar, and he was a hottie. Not only was he just a hottie, but he was a hottie who smelled really good.
    She’d been thinking all day about how good his blood would probably taste. Even better, she was pretty sure that he had his own private dorm room, which meant that she didn’t have to deal with any roommates who would be suspicious of her intentions.
    When the guy opened the door, he stared back at her with wide eyes.
    Kiss me , she commanded the guy in her mind, hoping that mind control would work on him.
    “Come inside,” the guy whispered.
    Rhonda took a step closer, but she wasn’t even through the door when the guy leaned into her and, wrapping his arms around her waist, pressed his lips against hers, kissing her hungrily and passionately.
    Let me drink from you , Rhonda thought, her eyes wide open as she kissed him back. She dug her fangs into his skin, drawing a tiny amount of blood from the open wound.
    The guy allowed her to come inside and, closing the door behind him, tilted his neck so that it was exposed to her, the smell of his flesh filling her nostri ls as she inched closer to him.
    Rhonda sunk her fangs into his skin, catching the blood that poured out of his vein with her tongue. The guy moaned, which urged her to drink more from him.
    Once she had her fill of blood, she gave him one last kiss on the lips before leaving him alone, lying lifelessly on his bed, and went back to her dorm room to finish plotting what she was going to do about Lexi.

    Chapter 11
    When Lexi woke up the next morning, the first thing she did was glance around the room to see if Dan was back. He wasn’t.
    Her eyes fell on the spell book. It was left open, which was strange because she was positive she’d closed it. Her eyes hovered over the emp ty spot next to the spell book.
    The jar of potion was gone.
    “Anna,” Lexi called.
    Her roommate, who had to have been the lightest sleeper ever, rolled over and cocked one eye open. “What?”
    “My potion’s gone,” Lexi said. She was out of bed by now, searching around the room frantically. “I don’t see it anywhere!”
    “What?” Anna asked, climbing out of bed and sliding her feet into a pair of Ugg slippers. “What do you mean it’s ‘gone’?”
    “I mean, it’s not in our room anymore,” Lexi replied, yanking drawers out of the dresser, searching in between clothes and underwear. As she suspected, the potion hadn’t been tossed carelessly into a dresser drawer by her roommate.
    “I’m texting Austin,” Anna announced, tapping away on her phone, as Lexi tossed pillows and blankets to the floor and searched under the bed. There was nothing but empty space, the tiled floor was bare. She let out a loud sigh as the door clicked open.
    “The potion’s gone?” Austin asked, rushing towards her. “How could this happen, Lexi?”
    Lexi shook her head, her eyes filling up with tears. “I-I don’t know.”
    “When’s the last time you saw it?” Austin asked, beginning to search the room himself.
    “I-I think it was yesterday,” Lexi said, trying to recall the last time she’d seen it on her nightstand. “I don’t know.”
    Austin glared at her. “If this potion gets into the wrong hands, it could be really bad. Who knows what the outcome would be. You should have had it with you at all times!”
    “You’re right, I should have. But I didn’t, okay?” Lexi cried. “It’s not like I tried to lose it! I just want us to find it now.”
    Anna cleared her throat before speaking up. “I think I know who took it.”
    “Who?” Austin and Lexi both asked at the same exact time.
    “Rhonda,” Anna replied. “She came into our room last night to hang out, remember? I just have this feeling she took it.”
    “That’s right.” Lexi hadn’t even considered that Rhonda could be responsible for this, but it made perfect sense. How coincidental

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