Code Name: Baby

Read Online Code Name: Baby by Christina Skye - Free Book Online

Book: Code Name: Baby by Christina Skye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Skye
all four dogs were on the floor, motionless.
    Wolfe raised an eyebrow. “I’m impressed. You and the dogs had better stay inside just the same.” As he held up the penlight, his other hand edged to the pistol hidden at the small of his back. “How far to that fuse box?”
    â€œAbout six feet. It’s just above the power meter on your right.”
    Wolfe opened the door and listened. Nothing moved. He felt no hint of Cruz or any other intruders. Silently, he followed the wall to the fuse box. “Circuits have been reset. Hold on,” he called.
    A moment later, light flooded from the windows. He closed the box and turned to find Kit staring at him. “Something wrong?”
    â€œYou look…different.”
    As a welcome, it could have been worse, Wolfe thought. And it was true, he did look different—bigger, faster and harder. Now there was a coldness in his eyes that made people step out of his way.
    Inside the door, he turned to face her, ready for more arguments. But she surprised him again, gripping his chin and turning his head up toward the light.
    â€œYou’re bleeding, you idiot. I’m going to kill Trace for not telling me you were coming.” Kit leaned closer, frowning. “What was that noise from the kitchen?”
    â€œSomeone broke in. He was alone, and I handled it.” Wolfe tried to pull free, uncomfortably aware of the heat triggered by contact with her body. “Forget about my face.” His cheek was swelling from the one blow Emmett had managed to land. “It’s nothing.”
    But Kit moved closer, pressing him against the refrigerator door. “I’ll clean it better than you would.” She dodged under his arm, her long legs flashing in a way that left Wolfe’s throat dry. “Why didn’t you say something about it before?” she called.
    â€œThere wasn’t a lot of time for conversation. It’s just a scratch anyway.” Distracted by what felt like blood dripping into his eye, he let her shove him down into a chair beside the sink. “Kit, you don’t have to—”
    â€œShut up, Wolfe.”
    â€œYes, ma’am,” he said meekly. He was trying not to notice the warm brush of her fingers, the pressure of her breast against his shoulder. He especially didn’t want to watch how her nightshirt rose over her thighs as she reached into cabinets and opened drawers. The sight of her was making his body respond in all the right ways, which happened to be the wrong ways.
    â€œWhat are you staring at?”
    Wolfe cleared his throat. “The cabinets. Ah…you painted them blue,” he said gruffly.
    â€œI got tired of all that white.” Kit looked across the kitchen at the shattered glass. “He did a nice job on my window.” Her voice tightened. “Who was it?”
    â€œBig guy, built like a fire hydrant. Ugly as the backside of a bull.”
    â€œThat’s Emmett. He’s convinced there’s treasure hidden here somewhere. He came back just like he said he would. I wish I could have seen his face when you stopped him.” She frowned at Wolfe. “Always being a hero. I see you’ve gotten your leg hurt as well as your face.”
    â€œI’m fine.”
    But she vanished into the bathroom and returned with a handful of boxes and bottles. “Take off your pants.”
    â€œKit, I don’t think—”
    â€œStrip, Wolfe. Otherwise, I’ll cut them off you.”
    â€œI’ll pass.”
    â€œYou think the sight of your naked butt is going to make me faint dead away?”
    Wolfe felt his body tighten as she stared at the blood on his dark pants. “There’s no need to get upset.”
    â€œWho’s upset? I’m just being practical, but you’re being the same as you always were. Mr. Tall, Dark and Silent, always in control.” He tried turning to look at her, but she held his face

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