Coda Books 01 - Promises (MM)

Read Online Coda Books 01 - Promises (MM) by Marie Sexton - Free Book Online

Book: Coda Books 01 - Promises (MM) by Marie Sexton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Sexton
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starting to feel toasty and already getting drowsy.
    “You can leave your thermals on if you want.” I yawned. “Weren’t you a Boy Scout?”
    “No. We never stayed anywhere long enough.” He was starting to get undressed now. He raised his eyebrow at me playfully and said, “I think this is all just a ploy to get me naked.”
    I laughed. “You’re right. In fact, it’s going to be so cold tonight, our only hope for survival is for you to share my bag.” He laughed a little at that, too, but then he pulled his shirt off, and it was all I could do not to stare. His body was amazing, just as I had always imagined: strong and lean and heavily muscled. There was no hair on his chest but a little around his navel and a dark trail of it that got thicker as went down to where it disappeared under the waistband of his sweats. I could picture all too clearly the thick, black hair that trail led to. Suddenly the idea of him sharing my bag, although it had been a joke, was foremost in my mind. I couldn’t help but imagine having his smooth skin against mine, following that trail with my fingers to the hair below. My body was reacting in a way that would have horrified him, and I was glad that I had managed to get into my bag before he started undressing.
    I closed my eyes while he undressed the rest of the way. No need to torment myself any more than I already had. I heard him climb into his bag and zip it up, and then the lantern went off.
    It was quiet for a moment, and then he said, “Jared?”
    “Good night.”
    I had embarrassingly erotic dreams about him all night and woke up crazy horny in the morning. He was already up, and I took advantage of the empty tent to try and alleviate my predicament as quickly and quietly as I could. Once I was up and dressed and made it outside, I was happy to find that he had made coffee. He gave me the pseudo-grin as he handed me a cup of it.
    “What’s so funny?” I asked him.
    “You talk in your sleep.”
    Oh shit! Of course, I knew that I sometimes talked while dreaming, and I tried to sound very casual as I asked, “What did I say?” I was hoping like hell it hadn’t been about him.
    “You said, ‘let me follow it’, and I asked ‘follow what?’, and you said, ‘the trail’.”
    I turned away so he couldn’t see me turning red and said, “I was dreaming about mountain biking.”

Chapter 12

    WE SPENT several weeks riding easy trails while he got the hang of mountain riding. He was in good shape, and what he lacked in skill he made up for in endurance. Finally, in early August, we decided to try one of the more challenging trails.
    It was a sweltering hot day without even a breeze to cool us off. The stream crossings had all dried to bare trickles. The ground was baked to hard dust. It seemed like nothing was moving in the forest except us.
    We were halfway up the trail when I heard him go down behind me. When I turned around, he was lying flat on his back on the dusty trail, but to my amazement, he was smiling.
    Not the pseudo-smile but a true, genuine, ear-to-ear smile. It was the first time I had seen it, and it was like the sun had finally emerged from behind the clouds.
    “Holy shit, that hurt.”
    “Are you all right?”
    “I’ll live.” He sat up with a groan. “I think I’m getting old.” He had a huge scrape down front of his shin. “Hey, look at that!” he said in amazement. “I’m bleeding.” I think the smile got bigger.
    “It’s not a successful ride if you don’t bleed.”
    “Oh really? Did you get that out of the Masochist Biking Club handbook?”
    “Sure did. It’s rule number three.”
    I took advantage of the break to try to get my hair back into a ponytail. Curls were escaping all over the place and falling in my face. Matt stood up and inspected the damage to his leg. “The blood’s running down into my shoe.”
    “Rub some dirt on it.”
    “What?” He was laughing, still wearing that gorgeous smile and

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