Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC

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Book: Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC by Selena Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selena Black
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anticipation was palpable when Crash brought the truck to a stop on the street outside the apartment. She was sure he was aware of it just as much as she was, but suspected that he would fight it. When they walked through the door, she knew that he needed to take a shower first to give her a chance to act out her fantasies and get them together, so she tried to make it happen.
    “Age before beauty,” she said with a grin.
    “No, it’s…”
    “It’s your home,” she interrupted him. “You can have a shower first. I don’t mind waiting.”
    “OK,” he agreed and headed towards the bedroom.
    Carrie gave him a few minutes before walking to the bedroom door and listening. She could hear the sound of splashing water and her anticipation soared as she quickly walked in the room then began stripping off her clothes. Her breathing became ragged as she removed her bra and panties to get herself completely naked. She looked down and grinned at the speckles of sand she could see sticking to her skin. It was now or never, and she was about to find out if her long held desires were going to be fulfilled.
    That brought out her trepidation as she moved to the bathroom door and slowly pushed it open. The steam of a hot shower obscured her view at first as she stepped in the room, but she began to get a clearer look at the man she wanted to be with as she moved closer to the cubicle. He was facing away from her and she recalled staring at his denim-clad butt the previous day. There was nothing covering it now and she unconsciously licked her lips when her gaze settled on the muscles of a taut ass.
    “Fuck,” she let out under her breath as she crept closer until she was able to ease the glass door of the cubicle open.
    The splashing noise of the shower covered her approach and Crash still didn’t know she was there when she reached out to his butt. The surprise of her fingers stroking on his naked skin made him step forward and he almost banged his head on the tiles.
    “Fucking hell,” he cursed in a loud voice as he turned around and wiped the water from his face. “You can’t be in here, Carrie.”
    “Oops… too late,” she said with a grin as she released her grip on the door and let it swing shut to trap them in the small space. “I couldn’t wait for my shower. I wanted to get rid of the sand. You don’t mind, do you?”
    She flicked at the small grains sticking to the skin of her upper chest and her excitement rose as she saw that Crash was unable to look away from what she was doing. A glance down got her the sight of his cock hanging limply against his thigh and a grin spread across her face. It was impossible to resist the thought that sprang into her mind and she reached out, but he knocked her hand away before she got the chance to touch.
    “Spoilsport,” she teased in a playful voice and stuck her tongue out at him.
    “You need to get out of here,” he went on.
    “You can throw me out if you want,” she said. “But I might fight and struggle if you touch me.”
    “Fucking hell,” he cursed.
    Carrie moved forward to let the water soak her then stepped away to open a small gap between them and smiled as Crash watched the rivulets of water trickling over her naked breasts.
    “Didn’t you fantasize about touching them when I used to tease you?” she asked.
    “For fuck’s sake, you were a teenager.”
    “Yeah… but I’m not a teenager now,” she told him and reached out to grab his wrist.
    He tried to pull his hand away, but she was the more determined of the two of them and she dragged his hand to her breast. A shudder rippled through her when she made him touch her, and it was the most exciting moment of her life.
    “This needs to stop, before it gets out of control,” Crash said.
    Carrie looked down and let out a deliberately provocative giggle. His cock wasn’t hanging so limply now, and there was a

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