Club Cupid
and shaking his head. “My work was confined to Atlanta.”
    Maybe he had no talent, hence the sarcasm about some people thinking he made his living illegally. “You weren’t rich and famous?” she teased.
    “Comfortable and infamous,” he corrected.
    “So what brought you to Key West?”
    He lifted his bottle for a slow drain, but kept his unsettling gaze on her. Unable to look away, Frankie’s skin tingled and her breasts tightened. This man had a way of making her feel as though the liquid he pulled down his throat was a preview of the way he would deplete her own reserves, given the chance. After setting the bottle aside, Randy leaned toward her, slowly…deliberately, then grinned devilishly. “I heard the island was full of damsels in distress.”
    He invaded her space and her senses as easily as the wind blew, lifting the ends of her hair and his. Frankie’s heart pounded as she debated her next move. Advance? Retreat? Surrender?
    Randy seemed poised, waiting for a signal, his eyes questioning. Arrogance, she could resist, but quiet chivalry…heaven help her. She eased forward almost involuntarily until only a cool breeze separated their parted mouths. Randy’s gold eyes turned molten, but for a split second she had the strangest feeling he might pull away.
    Then he inhaled, consuming the air between them, and drew her lips to his.

    H ALF OF HIM wanted her to surrender, half of him wanted her to bolt. From the troubled look in her wide blue eyes, it appeared that Frankie was considering both options when he captured her lips with his. When her mouth moved under his tentatively, sending his body roaring to life, Randy wished like hell she had resisted him, had given him a reason to resist her.
    Instead, the prim, leggy beauty acted as if a switch had been engaged that directed her movements. The tip of her velvety tongue flicked against the sensitive roof of his mouth, sending shudders down to his knotted stomach. He cupped his hand behind her head, splaying his fingers in her hair, squashing the soft curls to leverage for better access to her mouth.
    Their kiss deepened, each dipping and delving into sweet crevices with a sense of discovery and wonder. Frankie groaned and Randy heard the faint chink of her bottle falling to the sand. He clasped his other arm around her warm shoulders, easing her back to the towel. He followed, reveling in the length of her body touching his.
    Since their swim he’d been telling himself to let this one go. Frankie Jensen wasn’t the typical single female tourist looking for a romp with a localboy. She emanated seriousness and old-fashioned integrity—certainly not the type to take a romantic liaison lightly. Randy instinctively knew she’d let few men compromise her single-minded dedication to her career. Almost no one had time or energy for unbridled ambition and unbridled sex. He remembered well the long purposeful days and the long lonely nights. Into the kiss, Randy poured all the want and frustration from those days that this woman resurrected. Just a kiss, he promised himself.
    When his lungs demanded air, he lifted his head and gazed at her—another mistake. The brilliant blue of her eyes matched the deep hue of the water and sky flanking them. Her dark red hair fanned around her head, seemingly alive from the slices of sun falling through the moving palm leaves onto the fiery strands. She lay arched beneath him, her chin up, her mouth parted. The sensible brown shirt lay open, as if in invitation. One of the tiny straps on the ill-fitting bathing-suit top had fallen over a shapely, creamy white shoulder, revealing the swell of her breast and the barest hint of a plump areola. He felt dizzy with the raw desire that pulsed through him. Her name hovered on his tongue, but he was afraid to speak, afraid to shatter the moment.
    Without conscious thought, he moved, stroking his raging erection against her thigh. He braced for her objection, and welcomed it. But when

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