Cloud Invasion

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Book: Cloud Invasion by Connie Suttle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Suttle
flat and weary after he ended the call with the President.
    "Yeah," I said and did just that.
    * * *
    "You really can see Puget Sound from here," Rafe's arms dropped around my shoulders as we gazed out our window. It was closest to the southwest, and the day, surprisingly, was clear.
    The Sound was there, shining far in the distance-a swath of blue beneath a setting sun. "I want to make love to you, right here," he pulled me toward the sofa that faced the window.
    "Yeah," I breathed against his mouth. "Let's get naked."
    His fingers lifted my top as he backed me toward the comfortable sofa I'd supplied for our suite.
    After that, it was a frenzy of clothing removal. I unbuckled his belt. He unzipped my jeans. After a while, you'd have thought piranhas were stripping anything other than skin away from us. Ilya's mouth was all over mine, and then traveling down my body as he pulled me onto the sofa.
    The first time was fast. Frenetic. The second-slow and decadent. Both times were exactly what we wanted.
    * * *
    "Cori, can you get me to the house in Seattle?" Auggie walked in with James right behind him. "Laci wants to cook dinner for me, and I think James needs a glass or two of Scotch."
    "Yes and yes," I nodded to Auggie and James. Rafe pulled the open bottle of Macallan from the liquor cabinet and dropped ice cubes in a glass before pouring a generous portion for James.
    Laci lived in an older, richer part of Seattle, referred to as Upper Queen Anne. The house was a three-story, built in the early 1900s, with plenty of gingerbread decorating the exterior. It also had an exceptional view of Elliott Bay. I hoped she liked it-I'd have loved it, provided it were in a place with more abundant sunlight.
    "Are you ready now, or want to have a drink first?" I asked Auggie.
    "I'll have a drink," Auggie sighed. My guess was that he wasn't looking forward to this meeting with Laci-I imagine she was more than tired of his life being constantly on the line.
    Rafe poured a second glass and handed it to Auggie, who downed it immediately and held out his glass for another shot. Rafe pulled me against him as we watched Auggie and James drink-they both had personal worries and I hoped Leo Shaw intended to see both of them-at length.
    "James, why don't you stay for dinner," Rafe offered. I intended to ask, but he beat me to it.
    "I'll be back in a minute," I gave James a hug. "Ready?" I asked Auggie.
    "Yeah. Let's go."
    * * *
    Notes-Colonel Hunter
    I figured Laci would ask for a divorce again. She didn't. She didn't even point out that I tasted like Scotch when she kissed me. I'll admit I spent a moment, immobile and shocked as hell before recalling that I should put my arms around her.
    "I missed you, baby," I kissed her temple before moving down to her earlobe.
    Cori had dropped me outside the front door, so I'd used my key to get in. Laci found me in the foyer, punching the code into the alarm. That's when she'd pulled my head down for a scorching kiss and I eventually reciprocated.
    "I heard there was dinner, too," I whispered in her ear. "I like the appetizer so far."
    "Wait until dessert," she breathed against my ear.
    "I'm ready for that, now," I said as she took my hand and led me toward the dining room.
    We had the best dinner-Laci fixed everything I liked, including strawberry shortcake. The sex afterward?
    Sex hadn't been that good in forever. I felt like I was twenty again. It made me want to buy her something-a piece of jewelry or spicy lingerie. I'll admit, my brain was stuck on the spicy lingerie.
    "Do you like it here, baby?" I asked after we'd shared a short nap.
    "I do, actually." She gave me a genuine smile-I always knew when she wasn't telling me the truth. "Nelda and Ray take me down to Pike's Place when I want to go. They have the most amazing fresh flowers there," she said. "I got the fish there, too, that we had for dinner. I even like the crowds-it reminds me of when we lived in New York, except for the huge house and

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