spot Oliver coming my way. Really hoping that his parents aren’t with him, I flash him a smile.
‘Hey! Are you feeling better?’ He drops down in the seat opposite with a thud.
‘I am.’ I raise my glass as if to emphasise my point.
‘You sure?’ Grabbing my hands, he stares at me intently, his eyes creased with concern.
‘Yes! I got motion sickness that’s all. Where are your parents?’
‘Dad is taking my mom to Isla Mujeres on a boat trip, so it’s just you and me.’ Kissing my hand gently, he pulls me to my feet. ‘Come on.’
‘Wait! I have news!’ Spinning around to face him, I place my empty glass on the bar.
‘You do?’ Oliver’s eyes light up and his mouth peels back into a huge grin.
‘Lianna and Dan have got engaged!’
‘That’s fantastic! When did this happen?’ The smile stays put, but the twinkle in his eyes fades a little.
‘Dan took her to Paris and proposed under the Eiffel Tower! Isn’t that just perfect?’
‘Yeah. It’s not how I would do it, but it’s romantic.’ Entwining his fingers through mine, we begin walking back to the room.
‘Really? And how would you do it?’ Biting my lip, I gaze up at him expectantly.
‘Ring in the dessert. Definitely.’
What? That is the lamest proposal I have ever heard. He’s joking. He has to be joking. I hope.
‘Anyway.’ Shaking my head to get rid of the pathetic image, I change the subject. ‘What do you have planned for tonight?’
‘Actually, I thought we could stay in and order room service. How does that sound?’
‘I can’t think of anything I would want to do more.’
Fresh from the shower, I dive under the covers and make a grab for the room service menu.
‘Get me the burger. No the pizza, actually, get both.’ Passing over the menu to Oliver, I flick on the air conditioning. ‘Do you fancy sharing a pepperoni?’
‘Sounds good. Fries?’
‘Absolutely. Oh, and get a bottle of bubbles! We are on holiday after all.’ Stretching out on the soft bedding, I make a mental note to order new sheets when we get back home.
‘Do you think that’s wise?’ He drops the menu as his brow creases into a frown.
‘What do you mean?’ Pushing myself up onto my elbows, I look at him confused.
‘Look, I wanted to leave it until you felt ready to tell me, but I don’t want you to be going through this alone.’ Leaning down, he strokes my hair fondly.
‘What are you talking about?’ Perplexed, I roll out of bed and slip on a bath robe.
‘It’s OK. You don’t need to pretend anymore. I know.’ He wraps me up in a bear hug and I wiggle free frustrated.
‘You know what?’
‘I know that you’re pregnant!’ He throws his arms in the air and laughs happily.
‘What?’ Feeling like I have been scolded with a hot iron, I push him away. ‘I’m not pregnant! Why on Earth would you think that?’
‘Oh, come on! The ravenous appetite, the morning sickness, the bloating. We’ve all noticed it’
‘Bloating?’ Mortified, I suck in my stomach. ‘I haven’t been bloated! Have I?’
‘Why are you fighting this? I’m going to be here for you. It’s gonna be OK.’
‘Oliver! I am not going to say this again. I am not pregnant.’ Exasperated, I stomp towards the bathroom.
‘Alright. Prove it.’
Stopping dead in my tracks, I turn around slowly. ‘I don’t need to prove anything. I am categorically not pregnant.’
‘Then you won’t have any problem with taking a test.’ He slips on his shoes and makes for the door.
‘Where are you going?’ Following him out into the hotel lobby, I pull the fluffy robe tightly around me.
He smiles like the cat that got the cream and kisses me on the nose.
‘To get a test.’
Subject: Congratulations!!!!!
OMG!! Congratulations!!
More details needed.... I need to know EVERYTHING!!!
sdjnsjvskrnkrnbormblmblfdmbsvksnvb (this is how excited I
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