Circle of Deception

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Book: Circle of Deception by Carla Swafford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carla Swafford
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alone with her. I’ll think of something.” She patted his arm. “Thanks. Let me see what I can come up with.” Before he could stop her, she pressed her lips to his cheek and flounced off.
    He drew his attention back to Abby. She lowered her head to the table and slammed into it a few times. Charlie spoke to her and she stopped. Hell, that proved she hated how his brother had tricked them into going along with his harebrained scheme as much as he did.
    But maybe it would work. They needed Brody to believe they were what they appeared: a newly married couple in love and the groom involved in similar illicit work. A perfect reason for him to stay near Abby and keep her safe, while using every minute they had together pulling answers out of her. She’d always been closemouthed. Case in point was the family she’d never mentioned. Yet, he knew of several inventive ways to loosen her up and get her to talk.
    Rolling his shoulders, he wanted out of this monkey suit his brother had insisted he wear, and more importantly, he wanted that infuriating woman alone.
    His gaze remained on Abby as she listened to her friends. Her brief smile shot liquid fire from his heart to his groin.
    She looked beautiful. If The Circle hadn’t interfered all those years ago, they might’ve been parents by now, or at the very least enjoyed years of being in the same bed. All that smooth skin and dark hair spread out for him to taste and touch. He shifted and tugged at the end of his jacket, covering any visible evidence of how looking at her affected him.
    A flash of metal on his hand caught his attention. He’d never worn a ring, and he’d expected to be annoyed by the feel, but he rather liked how it reminded him of Abby. When Jack had handed the rings over and she had slipped one on his finger, it had struck him that she’d be wearing a ring like his, a sign of ownership. He’d liked that. He’d liked it very much. Maybe too much.
    He looked at Abby and the ring on her hand sparkled under the office lights. Hell, yeah . No matter what anyone said, she belonged to him.
    A BBY SNEAKED A look at Rex. He towered over all the men in the room except Liam, but where Liam was whipcord lean, Rex’s thick muscles and solid build gave him an appearance of a football player, a dangerous-looking one with a scar and military haircut.
    Over the next thirty minutes, they stood in front of a beautiful white wedding cake and let the photographer do his job. When it came time for the bride and groom to feed each other, she narrowed her eyes in warning. He behaved and didn’t smear the vanilla fluff into her face, but he did take advantage of her hand being close to his mouth. His tongue darted out and licked the center of her palm. She squeezed her thighs together. Oh, that feels so good.
    She needed to get away from him, even if by a few feet. As soon as she could, she strode over to a chair and flopped into it. When Jack suggested taking pictures of her throwing the bouquet, she refused to budge. No more playacting. When the real deal came along, she didn’t want to compare it to the pretend one. Truth be told, nothing could compare to having an Elvis-style wedding. Unable to resist, she lifted her gaze to Rex and corrected herself: nothing could compare to having an Elvis-style wedding, with a dangerously sexy man as the groom.
    Jerking her thoughts to the mission ahead, she said, “That’s enough. Even the president of the United States would believe we’re married.” She shook her head. “I don’t understand why you think we need that many pictures. It’s not like my mom will ask to see them. She’s going to be pissed enough with me eloping.” With one shoe off, she rubbed her foot. “Don’t we need to head to Birmingham?” The plain brass nautical clock on Jack’s desk showed it was after one p.m.
    “You two go and change clothes. I’ll meet you back here in thirty minutes.” Jack waved them off as he talked into his cell phone.

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