Cinderella Complex

Read Online Cinderella Complex by Rebekah L. Purdy - Free Book Online

Book: Cinderella Complex by Rebekah L. Purdy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebekah L. Purdy
“Are you going to tell?”
    â€œNo. I’m your Fairy Godmother—I have to make your happy ending come true.”
    The globe radiated in my hand, sending tingles up my arm. Time to see what Katrina Melville’s happily-ever-after was. I wondered if it’d be too much to ask for a change in attitude.
    Katrina moved closer as I glanced into the flickering glass sphere. My eyes bulged. There stood Connor Prince, wearing a crown. Katrina clung to his arm.
    What? No way. This was the year for Connor and me to finally hook up. He was supposed to be my first kiss. My happy ending! My fantasy fizzled before me.
    Katrina smiled. “I knew you weren’t going to date him. You’re not his type. And this proves it.”
    â€œWand.” It popped into my hand. One magical wave and I could poof her to Siberia, or better yet, turn her into a toad. I mean, did I seriously want to let this happen?
    Then I remembered Grandma’s words. With a sigh, I lowered the wand.
    â€œMaybe we should start,” I said evenly, “with you trying not to be a witch.”
    â€œPlease, people with money always act snotty.”
    I glanced around her house. “Um—did I miss something? Because the last time I checked, you’re not rich.”
    She frowned. “I have to maintain a certain image. There’s no way I’d survive high school if people knew the real me.”
    I wanted to tell her no one liked the “fake” her, but decided it probably wasn’t the appropriate thing for a Fairy Godmother to say to her princess-to-be. “We’ll start working on your happy ending tomorrow.” I waved my wand in the air, hoping to poof myself back to my room. Instead, the globe disappeared into my palm.
    With a groan, I stalked to the front door. I glanced around to make sure no one was looking, and then flew into the sky. Katrina stood on her porch, watching me as I struggled to clear a tree.
    Please don’t let me crash in front of her .
    By some miracle, I cleared the tree and thanked whatever God or Godmother watched over me.
    I made it around the block before something jerked me backward. I’d clanked into a flagpole. Clutching it for dear life, I realized my bulky dress had gotten all tangled up on it. Rip .
    My fingers wound tighter around the pole as I slid down. The skirt of my dress tore away. This so wasn’t good. The lace bottom fluttered, parachute-like, to the ground. And there I hung, butt to the wind, wearing only the top portion of my dress and my blue thong.
    My fingers slipped again. Horns honked from below and guys leaned out their windows.
    â€œYeah, baby—take it all off.”
    Aw, crap. This definitely gave a new meaning to pole dancer.
    One of the cars stopped down the road. I recognized the football players. No way! I had to get out of here. Just then the parking lot lights went off, plunging us into darkness.
    Pushing away from the pole, I frantically flapped my wings, flying toward home.
    This easily won the award for the worst day in history. And I’d be lucky not to find my bare butt all over the internet. I only prayed the jocks didn’t have enough time to snap shots.
    Katrina Melville two. Me, zero.
    Junior year was not going to be the best year ever. In fact, it’d be amazing if I survived it at all.

Chapter Eight
    â€œYou guys should’ve seen this chick on the flagpole last night.” Max Weller pushed through the crowded school entrance. “Totally hot butt.” He held up his phone. “Now if only we could find out who she is.”
    Greg Bloom laughed. “Maybe we should print the pic and see if anyone claims it. We need the girls to show their backsides for sure.”
    Heat raced to my cheeks. I ducked my head, rushing down the hall. Great, now my blue thong and I were the talk of the school. From here on out, I planned to wear white granny panties.
    I set my bag on the floor when I got to

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