Christmas Moon
    Hunter smiled. “Any time, sweetheart.”

Chapter Nine

    The wind whistled around the peaks as they
stepped out of the truck, the doors slamming shut behind them. Bree
shoved her hands into her winter coat pockets and looked up at the
marked trail that led up the slope. There was a map on a sign next
to the start of the trail.
    “It gets used a lot in the summer months, not
so much in the winter outside of a few diehard joggers in the
mornings and the pack on full moon nights.”
    Bree stared up at the barren trail and blew
out a breath. This was what she knew how to do. Track a bad guy,
protect the innocent. She turned her attention to Hunter. “You need
to hide.”
    There was nothing in her tone that brooked an
argument. That note had said she was to come alone, and whoever
this bastard was, they had an issue with her. Hunter was there as
back up, but she’d be damned if she got this girl killed by having
him waltz up the slope with her.
    “You said the pack uses this on full moon
nights. Then you know the layout well, right?” When he nodded, she
bulldozed on. “Then get to the peak without getting seen. If you
can, get within sight of me so if anything goes wrong you can get
your wolf out of there.”
    Hunter nodded. She could see he wanted to
argue, it was there, simmering just under the surface in his gaze.
The alpha in him—the protector—didn’t like the thought of only
saving his wolf and leaving her behind. Bree met his gaze,
unyielding. She needed to know he could do this and that he
wouldn’t get in the way.
    Her goal was to get them all off this
mountain alive—including the rogue who’d dragged Hunter’s wolf up
here. But the victims and civilians came first. They had to. “I’m a
big girl,” she said softly.
    His lips quirked slightly in a half-hearted
attempt at a smile. “I know. And you’re armed.”
    “Don’t do anything stupid and if things go
south and I’m engaged with our rogue, get your wolf out of there.
Don’t worry about me. Get her down to this truck and call in the
Hounds. But you two need to be safe.”
    His jaw tightened but he nodded.
    “I’ll get her safe.”
    “And you.”
    She could hear his teeth grind together,
frustrated. “I won’t do anything stupid and I’ll make damn sure
Rylie is safe. But don’t ask me to leave you there alone.”
    Bree knew she should argue. They had time.
They were still early, despite the dimming sky over the peak. But
all she could remember was the last case she’d worked. The Hound in
charge should have held her back. After all, it had been her
husband they’d been chasing. And he most definitely should have
held back Lennox’s lovers. But Bree and the two lions shouldn’t
have been there and all three of them had been liabilities.
    Looking at Hunter though, and there were just
some things she couldn’t argue. Even if she ordered him to stay, he
was going to protect his wolf, and like it or not, if he could, he
was going to try and protect her too.
    Bree leveled him a glare. “Rylie comes first.
Promise me that. Priority of life, it’s always civilians before the
    Surprise flickered through his gaze and his
head cocked. “I’ve seen Hounds save one of their own over helping
another shifter.”
    “Not with me.”
    There was a flash of respect and then he
nodded. “Rylie first.”
    “Then stay hidden.” She jerked her head
towards the mountainside. “I’ll meet you at the top.”
    She saw the flash of impulsivity flare in his
eyes before he reached out and cupped the back of her neck, pulling
her closer. His lips brushed hers. “You be careful. Whatever this
rogue wants, he has an issue with you.”
    And just like that, he let her go and slipped
into the forest, leaving her to stare into the shadows. Bree fisted
her hands at her sides and turned towards the sloping incline. The
trail was snowed over but she could still make out the winding path
up the mountainside.
    Bree headed

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