Christmas Babies

Read Online Christmas Babies by Mona Risk - Free Book Online

Book: Christmas Babies by Mona Risk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mona Risk
entwined with
hers, careened, and waltzed around. She followed suit, tasted and tackled.
Squeezed in his arms, she wanted the night to never end. A moan burst out of
    Nick released her and buried his
face in her hair. “I waited five years for that moment,” he murmured.
    “Oh Nick.” She smiled and cupped
his face. “I enjoyed it too.”
    “Let’s go back.” He pulled away.
    Her breath caught. “Go where?”
    He laughed. “As much as I want to
stay with you, I have to go home. And keep my promise. Kisses only. Remember?”
    Her chuckle trembled. “Thank you,
    Hand in hand, they re-entered the
building and strolled to the front lobby where a security guard sat behind a
counter. She walked Nick to his car parked in the circle in front of the
building entrance and he unlocked his BMW.
    “Thanks for the dinner. And
everything,” Nick added with a wink. “Have sweet dreams.”
    “I definitely will.”
    He bent, gave her a quick peck on
the cheek, and slid in his seat while mumbling something. Had she heard
    She frowned and then laughed as
the words cold shower echoed in her ears.

    Chapter Five
    “You’re such a lovely little
thing.” Madelyn held Baby Liana in her arms. “Yes, you’re so pretty and growing
fast.” A week had passed since the tragic birth of the twins. Madelyn checked
on them several times a day, during her rounds in the NICU and the on-term
babies’ nursery. In addition, she made time to come and rock them.
    Thank God, she hadn’t felt any
tingling or numbness in her limbs. No absence seizure either. Her medicine was
working great. Stress plummeted as her mood soared.
    “Liana is already 6 lbs. and 2
ounces. Celia is catching up at 6lbs.,” Sandra announced. “They should be moved
to the well-babies nursery, but if I do that they’d have to be discharged after
one or two days according to the insurance.”
     “Where would they go, poor
darlings?” Madelyn brushed Liana’s forehead with a gentle finger. The preemie
opened her eyes. “Oh look at that. Big blue eyes, like cornflower. I wonder if
her twin has the same.” Madelyn set the baby in her bassinette and picked up Celia.
“Open your baby blues, sweetie.”
    “No one had come yet from Child
Protective Services,” the nurse explained. “But I heard CPS contacted the dad
and had him sign a release for adoption. Apparently he was terrified to learn
they were two, not one. At seventeen, he can’t take care of babies. His mother
is sending him to college at the other end of the country.” Count on Sandra to
be always a well of information.
    “Soon these little dolls will
have a good family.” Madelyn was more interested in her little patients than in
their wimpy father.
    “I heard there was a couple
interested in Liana.”
    “In Liana only?” Worry clenched
Madelyn’s heart. “What about Celia? I hope they don’t plan to separate them.”
    “CPS said they’d give priority to
the parents who’d want to adopt both. But not too many people can afford to
adopt two babies at once.”
    “Oh no. Twins need each other.”
She held Celia closer to her heart and gave her a peck on her hair. “Sandra,
you mentioned you’d be interested. They’re so cute.” Madelyn threw her friend a
look that should melt a tougher heart.
    “I discussed it with my husband
more times than I could count. Unfortunately, Chuck insists he wants his own
flesh and blood children. Next week we have another appointment at the
fertility clinic.”
    “Not fair,” Madelyn mumbled
against the baby’s hair as she sat in the rocking chair. “Sandra, please bring
me Liana.” With the two babies tucked in her arms, she fidgeted so the twins
could face each other. “Now, listen to me, you two. I want you to know and love
each other. I promise I’ll talk to CPS. They can’t separate you,” she added
without conviction. CPS didn’t condone interference in their business by
zealous doctors.
    “Maybe Dr. Preston

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