
Read Online Chosen by Lisa Mears - Free Book Online

Book: Chosen by Lisa Mears Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Mears
Tags: Fantasy, Magic, gods, portal
bench, mouth open, staring back at him. He had
shoulder length wavy hair, the colour of liquid mercury. She had
never seen hair that colour before. His build was muscular with
broad shoulders and chest to match. He had the ruggedly handsome
features of someone who spent a lot of time in the outdoors; tanned
and craggy. His long cloak thrown carelessly back across his
shoulders was dark forest green and blended in very well with his
surroundings. Like his companion’s, it too reached the ground and
was covered in mud and rips. They appeared rather exotic to Max.
‘How come I never get to meet exciting looking people like that,’
she thought.
They seemed to be lost, looking
this way and that, until they spotted her. The woman raised her
hand and excitedly pointed straight at Max as she spoke to her
companions, the silver-haired man nodded, his eyes never leaving
Max. Max turned around to see if there was anyone behind her but
no, she was alone, there was not one other person in the near
vicinity, even the man and his dog had vanished.
    The three
strangers started walking towards her. They looked very excited.
Max felt a sudden urge to run, but being totally mesmerised by the
tall silver haired man, she stayed. ‘Oh my god, he’s so good
looking,’ she thought, ‘I wouldn’t complain if he swept me off my feet.’ He looked
straight at her, a small smile playing on his lips. She heard a
deep, slightly accented voice in her head.
‘Perhaps that can be arranged
Max Baxter.’ Her eyes widened in shock.
‘Oh god, it’s him,’ she
thought, ‘but . . . how?’
    ‘Yes, it is me,’ said the voice.
She watched the tall silver-haired man point to himself and
Could this day get any weirder?
Max decided to just “go with the flow” and see where it took her.
The three strange people reached the place where she was sitting
and all started talking excitedly.
‘I can’t believe we’ve made
it,’ said the woman. ‘This must be the place.’
‘And what a strange place it
is,’ said the man in black looking around, ‘nothing like
‘I don’t know, I think I could
get to like it here,’ said the silver-haired man smiling at Max.
She blushed.
‘I’m way too old to be
blushing,’ she thought.
‘But why, you look radiant with
your cheeks glowing like that,’ came another thought in her
‘Please, can you stop doing
that,’ Max said to the silver-haired man, ‘it’s quite disconcerting
when you’re not used to it. I’m sure it must be very ordinary where
you come from, but it’s not here.’
She had come to the obvious
conclusion these must be the people Janus had told her about, the
people from another world. Was it all true after all?
‘Are you reading her private
thoughts?’ said the woman angrily, turning to the silver-haired
man. ‘How rude you are Haven. You haven’t even introduced yourself
yet and you’re already listening in to Maxine’s thoughts.’ The tall
man looked down at his feet in embarrassment.
‘I’m sorry,’ he said to Max,
‘it’s just your thoughts are so loud to me, it’s like you are
speaking them, not thinking them. And even though her name is
Maxine she is usually called Max,’ he said looking at the woman.
The man in black just laughed and then he bowed courteously to
‘Please forgive my friends Max,
they are just very excited to meet you, as am I. This is Daria,’ he
said indicating the copper haired woman and this charming fellow,
pointing to the silver haired man is Haven, but I think you are
already slightly acquainted with him, and I am Gilster,’ taking her
hand, he brought it to his lips and kissed it. Max looked from one
to the other not knowing what to say. So she settled on something
‘Hi, I’m Max, pleased to meet
‘Now we have the pleasantries
out of the way is there somewhere we can go to get out of sight
Max, it could be dangerous just standing here,’ said Daria looking
around, a worried expression marring her

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