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Book: Chieftains by Robert Forrest-Webb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Forrest-Webb
Tags: Fiction
formation of helicopter gunships had obliterated them.
    The other two squadrons of the battle group had both suffered casualties in the artillery barrage. C troop of Charlie Squadron had lost all their vehicles although there were several crew survivals; all wounded, who had already been evacuated to the casualty collecting post at Burgdorf with the survivors of Alpha. B and C Troops of Bravo Squadron had both lost one Chieftain apiece, with no crews surviving. The leader's tank of Bravo Squadron had received a hit near the turret ring from an armoured piercing shell which had failed to penetrate, but dislodged the turret, crippling the vehicle and breaking the leader's right arm.
    Studley, although he was finding it difficult to analyze the situation beyond his own frontage, had a clearer picture in the Elm Sector than most. Division HQ were keeping their battle group commanders reasonably well informed, and from his present field headquarters in the derelict barn, Studley could see far across the lower ground of the moor and northwards to the positions of the 2nd Battle Group between Helmstedt and the Hassenwinkel. South-west, but hidden by the ridge of high ground of the moor, was the 3rd Battle Group on the outskirts of the town of Wolfenbüttel.
    The wind had veered to the south-east, and the cloud was beginning to break. The sky, in the direction of the coming weather, was bright. Later in the day there would be autumn warmth in the sun. Studley had been praying for rain; a torrential downfall to flood the rivers and turn the ploughed fields into quagmires, swamps beneath the tracks of the invading armour. Now, drawing on a lifetime's experience as a trout fisherman, he could sense the rising barometer and knew the weather would favour the enemy for the next twenty-four hours.
    The heaviest Soviet attacks, on the positions defended by the battle groups of the 4th Armoured Division had, as Studley expected, come from the direction of Magdeburg behind the East German frontier. Here there was the autobahn and railway, which had undoubtedly been used in the reinforcement of the Soviet army in the past few hours. They would continue to make use of it until it was destroyed. The first heavy thrust of Soviet assault armour, following their artillery bombardment of the NATO forward positions, had carried them across the NATO border minefields. Under cover of further intense artillery fire and using dense smoke, despite their shattering casualties the Soviet army had forced the withdrawal of the 2nd Battle Group, pressing it quickly northeast as their spearhead attempted to widen the breach between the 2nd and Studley's group south of the main Soviet attack.
    There were secondary thrusts in both the north and south of the 4th Armoured Division sector, one cutting north-west directly at Wolfenbüttel, the other towards Wolfsburg. The 3rd British Armoured Division to the south was under heavy pressure between the Oderwald and Goslar where the front had already buckled to a depth of eight kilometers; its battle groups were facing attacks from two directions as a result of successful landings of Soviet airborne troops and light armour.
    Studley was now watching the advancing Soviet tanks through his binoculars. It was difficult, for their artillery was laying smoke ahead of them and the screen was effective. Occasionally the blanket of smoke swirled and within, for a few seconds, he would glimpse the dark hulk of some vehicle.
    The battle group's two batteries of Abbots had been involved in almost continual activity, their gulls were already hot. Each carried forty rounds of ammunition for the 105mms, but would soon need replenishment. It had been nearly impossible for the observers to detect clear targets for them, but they were doing a useful job of work with local harrassing fire. To minimize the risk of accurate pinpointing of their positions, and subsequent retaliatory bombardments, Studley was

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