Cheyenne Moon

Read Online Cheyenne Moon by Cathy Keeton - Free Book Online

Book: Cheyenne Moon by Cathy Keeton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy Keeton
down her neck, starting at her earlobe and ending just below her collarbone. His hand rested on her ribcage just touching the underside of her breast through the deerskin dress she wore. Gently so as not to frighten her he placed his hand on her breast.  Shock waves ran through Abby. She knew she shouldn’t let this happen but she couldn’t have stopped him to save her soul. She had never wanted anything more.
    He slowly ran his hand up her thigh, lifting her dress as he went. He gently stroked her and felt the moist center. She trembled and looked into his eyes and he saw the passion on her beautiful face and knew that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.
    “Abby?” Shadow Spirit said in a strained voice. “Are you sure you want this?”
    “Yes Shadow Spirit I think I might not see another sunrise if you don’t love me.” To prove what she said was true, she removed her dress, letting it fall to the floor and then laid back on his blankets and raised her arms to him.
    Standing, he removed his breechclout and slowly descended to her waiting arms. She caught a glimpse of his manhood as his body gently came down on hers.  She wrapped her arms around him.  He lavished her face and breasts with wet, wild kissed. Abby was swept up in a sea of ecstasy. 
    Shadow Spirit knew he should hold out for as long as possible to give Abby as much pleasure as he was receiving. He poised over her holding back for fear of hurting her.
    “Abby there will be some pain.” He said in a breathless voice. “I will try and not cause you any more than is necessary my love.” Shadow Spirit said.
    Abby was on fire. She wanted something that he was just keeping out of her reach. She wrapped her legs around his buttocks and said, “It will be okay Shadow Spirit, I am not made of glass.” Then she tightened her legs to bring him closer to her.  He entered her with one quick thrust.  For a moment, he was still, letting her body get used to having him buried deep within the silken warmth of her. Then he began the slow rhythm that would bring both their bodies what they hungered for.
    The pain Abby felt was short lived for when Shadow Spirit began, his delicious movements inside her, her world began to spin. She met him thrust for thrust, her hips arching to meet his body, she felt as if she was melting.
    “Oh, Shadow Spirit, Please!” She cried out.
    Slowly, ever so slowly, their breathing returned to normal once again. He rolled away pulling her to him, so that her head rested on his shoulder.
    “I love you Abby. I have fought it for all the time we have been together but I love you as I have never loved another. Times for the Cheyenne will not be easy but I will take care of you for the rest of my life if you will become my life's mate.”
    Abby didn’t know when it had happened but, she knew she loved this handsome Indian with all her heart and the thought of going back to her home and never seeing him again was more than she could endure. “I love you also Shadow Spirit. I think that I have since you first rescued me from Black Heart.” She replied.
    “Will you become my wife Abby?” he asked.
    “Yes I would be honored to marry you,” she said.
    They made love again, this time more eased and without the rush of their first time together.  Shadow Spirit lavished her with kisses and pleasured her until she thought she would explode with love for this wonderful warrior.
    “We must say nothing of our love until after Yellow Dove’s wedding tomorrow. I do not wish to over shadow her and Gray Wolf’s day.” Shadow Spirit said as he held Abby close.
    Abby sat up panicking.  “Oh Shadow Spirit what if someone finds out what we have been doing in here? I couldn’t look your mother in the eye if she were to find out.”
    “Calm down Sweet One no one will know. We respect other people’s privacy here. No one will even think anything of it. If my mother did know, she would think no less of you. She

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