Chasing the Son

Read Online Chasing the Son by Bob Mayer - Free Book Online

Book: Chasing the Son by Bob Mayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bob Mayer
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Action & Adventure, Men's Adventure, Military Fiction
then she was done with the kid, dumping him with her mother. She went to college somewhere in the Northeast. Got her vet degree. Worked a bunch of places, but when her father died a year ago, she ended back up on Hilton Head, living in his old house. She never knew what happened to the kid.”
    “Bull,” Chase said.
    “Gator shooting me won’t blow secret little parts of my brain onto the wall spelling out anything,” Sarah said. “She told me several times she’d wanted nothing to do with the kid and I believed her. She wanted nothing to do with her mother and her mother wanted nothing to do with her after she gave birth. Erin didn’t even try to see Horace Junior again. She told me her mother died two years ago. She didn’t go out there for the funeral and had no idea what happened to the boy. Probably ended up with her mother’s family out there in Oklahoma as far as she thought. Which wasn’t far. She certainly never checked on it.”
    The earpieces both Riley and Chase wore crackled with a report from Gator. “Two SUVs inbound. About six or seven minutes out.”
    “You’ve got company arriving,” Riley said to Sarah.
    She nodded. “I know. I called them. I was remiss not having security on site, but I enjoy my privacy and hired muscle standing around ogling isn’t my thing. I have my kinks but that’s not one.” She shifted to Chase. “Horace, you and your friend did cost me a lot. Far, far more than all of you are worth combined. But only a fool would have all their assets in one place. I’ve got enough squirreled away here and there to live the rest of my life in reasonable comfort. And enough to pay the gentlemen coming down the road to kill you and your friends. And police up the body you so inconveniently left behind.”
    “Not if we kill you first,” Chase said.
    “You would have done that the first time you visited me here,” Sarah said.
    “The people you stole from will catch up to you,” Riley said.
    “But I won’t be here,” Sarah replied. “I got caught once. I won’t get caught again. And I doubt they’re coming tonight. I’ll have time to pack. Seriously, you should just email or text next time you want to talk or threaten. Tick, tock, gentlemen.”
    Their earpieces came alive. “Three minutes out,” Gator reported. “Two SUVs, I count at least six inside.”
    “Tick tock,” Sarah repeated.
    Riley drew his pistol once more. “I’m tired of being dicked with. You think you know me, but you don’t. Chase won’t kill you. Not his nature. But me, I truly don’t give a rat’s ass about you. You caused a lot of men’s deaths. One more death doesn’t make a bit of difference at this point. I’ve killed over less; and by less I mean killing someone simply because he’s wearing a different uniform than I am or is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Seems a personal killing is more legitimate.” He pressed the tip of the pistol against Sarah’s forehead. Her eyes swiveled up to meet Riley’s.
    “Well, okay. Maybe I misjudged you there, Dave. Seriously, fellows, I’m telling you all I know. Erin wasn’t the talkative type. We only hooked up halfway through our little excursion and she spent most of her time here cooped up, moping about. Not fun company at all.”
    “And?” Chase said.
    Sarah smiled. She tilted her head back, turning slightly, sliding the muzzle down her cheek to her mouth, which she opened. Before Riley could react, she put her lips lightly around the end of the barrel.
    Riley did the totally unnecessary movie move of pulling back the hammer on a double-action pistol.
    But it sounded good. And he assumed Sarah had seen enough movies to know what it meant. He was just a finger twitch away from ending her, especially after this latest last stunt.
    Sarah pulled her mouth back and blew Riley a kiss. “Okay, darling, okay. So that doesn’t do it for you. Every man is a little different, but in the end, they’re all the same. The only thing she

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