Chasing Magic

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Book: Chasing Magic by Stacia Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacia Kane
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she wasn’t finding any other spell bag, no spell ingredients. But everything felt like ghosts and magic, every part of him she touched. As if the spell was part of him. How could that happen?
    “Ain’t finding shit, yay, Ladybird?” Bump shook his head. “Got he all fuckin emptied up, what you fuckin do on the now?”
    “I don’t know.” She eased the gloves off, trying but failing to keep the blood off her skin. When she got home, she was going to spend an hour or so in a very hot shower, and maybe Terrible could pour bleach over her every couple of minutes. “I don’t know. Let’s see what’s in the spell bag, I guess.”
    She slipped on a fresh pair of gloves and jerked the tip of the iron blade she kept in her pick case through the black stitches at the top of the bag.
    The rough edges of the fabric fell open, revealing a—well, damn. The spell was about the size of a walnut because it was a walnut—a large one, but a walnut all the same.
    She dug the point of her knife into the crack in the shell and pried it open. Blood oozed out. Thick dark blood, so clotted that for a second it looked like some sort of rotted fruit inside the shell.
    Her stomach gave another heave, but she ignored it. Not just because she didn’t want to go through that again but because part of her was honestly fascinated. How the hell had he—the same spell caster, the same man—done that? What the hell was that spell?
    “Ain’t lookin so fuckin bad.” Bump leaned over the table, peering down. “Fuckin small, yay?”
    “But really strong.” Were those clots in the blood, or was something else in there? “Blood … I think it mightbe corpse blood, like from a murder victim, or maybe menstrual blood. When someone’s using blood like that in a spell, they’re not fucking around.”
    Of all the things she could have done without that day, having to say “menstrual” to Bump was—okay, not the biggest or the most important, no, but it was certainly on the list. Not because she was embarrassed; she wasn’t. She just didn’t want to have to discuss anything remotely related to the female reproductive system with him.
    Sure enough, he grinned. “Yay, seen me some of that blood fuckin turn dames into—”
    “There’s hair in there,” she interrupted, holding one of the hairs up with her gloved index finger and thumb. “See? It’s been tied in knots, too. I wonder if it’s his.”
    It probably was. The fingernail clipping she found might have been, too. But the rat’s eye, the three sharply bent pins, the tiny pieces of eggshell and feather, the ball of cobwebs and wax—and were those fish scales?—definitely were not.
    By the time she’d finished laying it all out in an orderly if grisly row, her neck ached. As did her head, because she had a pretty good idea what those ingredients were for, what the spell did. “I think that’s it.”
    “Aye?” Terrible reached over, offering her a drag off his smoke. She took it. “What’s on with the blood, then?”
    “I don’t know. I guess it’s clotted, old, you know?”
    “Naw, that ain’t it.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Too thick, leastaways what I’m thinkin. Old blood don’t get … rough like that, dig? Gets thicker, aye, an darker, but not like that.”
    Well, she guessed he would know. Yeah, she’d seen lots of spilled blood in her life, but she probably hadn’t paid as much attention to it, had a chance to observe itas time passed, the way he had. “Yeah? You think something’s mixed into it?”
    He shrugged. “Ain’t can say on that one. But that ain’t usual blood.”
    “It feels kind of grainy.” She rubbed it between her fingers.
    “Ain’t should.”
    “Shit. I have no idea how to analyze it or whatever.”
    “Ain’t you got you a fuckin lab, up you Church? They got the fuckin skills run it all through, yay?”
    She stared at him for a second. “Sure, Bump, how about if I head on in there and ask if they’ll test the

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