
Read Online Charm by Sarah Pinborough - Free Book Online

Book: Charm by Sarah Pinborough Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Pinborough
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy
controlled touch sent a thousand shivers through her. His hand finally reached the curve of her breasts, which pushed upwards as the dress was designed to have them do, and she arched her back against him slightly, unable to control herself. She moaned softly as he brushed over her skin and then he lifted his gaze and his eyes met hers. He leaned forward and finally they kissed. His mouth was warm and soft, and his lips were gentle, barely touching hers at first and then pressing harder as she responded, his hands exploring her body through the confines of her dress. She touched him back, her fingers running down his chest, and then resting one hand on his thigh, his leg strong beneath the material of his trousers. Unable to stop herself, she lifted the hand higher, enjoying the heat coming from him, and the urgency of his breath. He kissed her harder, his hand pulling at her skirts and she thought of Buttons’ fingers, slim and feminine and wondered how different the prince’s would feel.
    She barely heard the clock chimes ringing out. She was lost in the moment, fireworks exploding in her mind and sending traces of intensity throughout her body. Even in her fantasies it had never been like this. She wanted to pull his clothes free and feel his skin next to hers. She couldn’t stand the longing, she was desperate for him. His hands were struggling with her underskirts and she wanted to tug them up and give him access. All childish thoughts fell away from her and she was suddenly all woman, eager to do all the things she had only heard about from Ivy and from the other, less well-behaved, girls in the town.
    ‘ I t’s only midnight,’ he said, as the first chime echoed across the city. ‘We have hours yet. We could go somewhere and—’
    ‘Midnight?’ Her head still a haze, Cinderella could barely focus, but the word cut through the heat that filled her. ‘It’s midnight?’
    ‘Yes, but—’
    She broke free from him so suddenly it took him by surprise. His arms fell away, and by the time he reached for her again she was already at the doors. She had to leave by midnight, even though every inch of her wanted to stay in the prince’s arms and kiss him all night. The fairy godmother’s icy expression flashed behind her eyes. She had to do as she’d been told.
    ‘I have to leave!’ she called back as she yanked the door open, grasping the handle from the footman in order to get back in more quickly. ‘I’m sorry. I have to leave.’
    She let her eyes drink in his handsome face one more time and then she turned and fled. As she pushed her way through the dancing couples, she knew he was coming after her. She kept ahead and finally broke clear of the ballroom, running down the sweeping red staircase to the exit. She could see the carriage, door open, waiting for her, the rough driver already sitting at the reins.
    ‘Hurry up!’ he called.
    ‘Wait!’ the prince shouted, chasing her down the stairs. ‘Wait! I don’t even know your name!’
    Cinderella ran faster still and threw herself, all dignity forgotten, into the back of the carriage that was already beginning to move away. She dragged the door closed as the horses picked up speed, and then, recovering her breath, she peered back through the window. The prince was staring after her, one hand reaching out as if he could somehow pull the carriage back to him. The cold night air gripped one foot and she looked down and the last chime rang out. One of her enchanted shoes was missing. How could it have come off? And when? They fitted so perfectly. And what would her fairy godmother say?
    A s it turned out, the fairy godmother was waiting for them and as Cinderella climbed out of the coach in her dull house dress with her hair loose, she didn’t seem overly concerned about the diamond slipper. ‘It’ll find its way back, I’m sure,’ she said and smiled as if she understood something that Cinderella didn’t. That didn’t surprise Cinderella.

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