Charlie Bone and the Hidden King (Children of the Red King, Book 5)

Read Online Charlie Bone and the Hidden King (Children of the Red King, Book 5) by Jenny Nimmo - Free Book Online

Book: Charlie Bone and the Hidden King (Children of the Red King, Book 5) by Jenny Nimmo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenny Nimmo
with a slim oval attached - could it be a handle? From the sharp contours of the circle it appeared that the object had only recently been removed. Charlie thought of the "artifact" his uncle had mentioned being ripped from the earth.
    "Let's get away from here," said Emma. "It gives me the creeps."
    As they made their way out of the ruin, Charlie brought up the subject of the alligator. "What were you thinking of, you dolt?" he asked Olivia, carefully stepping out of reach of her witchy-looking mauve shoes. "I mean, an alligator - right outside the dorms."
    "I was sick of all the moaning." Olivia adjusted the mauve bandanna on her head. "They were all going on about their lost kittens and disappearing dogs and stuff and . . ." A wicked sparkle came into her eye. "Did you know that the Looms' revolting rottweilers are missing? Dorcas has never liked them but she was grizzling like a drain. Oh, my poor brothers, they've lost their dogs. So I thought an alligator would cheer her up."
    Olivia was a brilliant actress and Charlie couldn't help smiling at her impression of Dorcas Loom. "You'll scare someone to death, Liv, and then what'll we do? You'll be found out and then you'll be finished. The Bloors are desperate to know who's creating the illusions."
    Olivia grinned. "I won't be found out."
    "You might," said Emma. "And then you won't be able to help us. Remember, you're our secret weapon."
    Olivia gave a huge sigh. "OK. I promise to cool it for a while, but I tell you, it's so much fun scaring people out of their wits. People who deserve it, of course."
    Charlie looked away from her. "Being endowed isn't supposed to be fun." He could hardly believe what he had just said. The words just popped out of his mouth without his knowing they were there.
    "That's a very un-Charlie-ish thing to say," Olivia remarked.
    Charlie shrugged. "Perhaps it's the new Charlie speaking. I'm twelve now." He began to race away from them.
    "Don't let your age be a burden, Charlie!" Olivia called after him.
    Charlie turned and gave her a wave. "Are you nuts?" And yet, when he thought about it, his own endowment had certainly not proved very helpful just lately.
    Olivia kept her promise. For the rest of the week no alligators appeared outside the dormitories, no dinosaurs roamed the grounds, and no medieval warriors galloped through the school, brandishing axes (one of Olivia's specialties).
    If Blessed had seen the shadow again, he was keeping it to himself, and Charlie's chief concern became the baffling presence of Benjamin's parents.
    On Friday, when Charlie asked Billy if he'd like to stay the weekend, he was surprised by the answer.
    "Mrs. Brown has asked me to keep Benjamin company," Billy said brightly. "You see, he's lonely without his dog."
    Charlie felt surprised and guilty all at the same time, and yet it wasn't his fault that Runner Bean had run away. He, Charlie, was Benjamin's best friend. Why couldn't he keep Benjamin company?
    But all he said was "Oh. All right, then."
    Back at home, Charlie sat at the kitchen table while Maisie stirred eggs in a saucepan on the stove.
    "It's been a funny week," said Maisie. "No bird-song, no cats on fences, no dogs on leashes. I never realized the difference they made. It's lonely without them, you know, Charlie."
    "Mmm," Charlie mumbled. He was wondering if he would see the girl in the sunshine coat again.
    "They've had the police investigating it; and animal welfare and council workers and private detectives, and Lord knows what else." Maisie brought a dish of scrambled eggs to the table and peered into Charlie's face. "What's up, then, Charlie? Had a bad week?"
    Charlie shook his head. "Not really."
    "Benjamin coming over?"
    Charlie shrugged. "Billy Raven's staying with Ben this weekend."
    "Well, that's something new." Maisie raised her eyebrows. "Didn't know they were friends."
    "And Fido's playing in the band," Charlie went on, sadly.
    "You do sound sorry for yourself." Maisie sat beside Charlie.

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