Chaos (Book 4) (The Omega Group)

Read Online Chaos (Book 4) (The Omega Group) by Andrea Domanski - Free Book Online

Book: Chaos (Book 4) (The Omega Group) by Andrea Domanski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Domanski
angling to the
left and Orano to the right. Until she could get through that door, they would
have to stand their ground in order to protect her.
    “They’re moving in. Be ready,” Phoenix said.
    Orano strained to hear any movement, as he still couldn’t
see their soon-to-be attackers. They’d remained quiet since the initial kick to
the Dumpster, which seemed odd considering their vocation. He’d expected to be
on the receiving end of taunting at the very least. Silence just didn’t fit the
situation, especially since Gracey should have been banging on the door behind
    Orano turned to chastise her for not following his orders,
but instead saw her doing just that. Her tiny fists pounded against the metal
door, yet no sound erupted with the contact. Like some surreal mime acting out
a futile scene, her face contorted in fear and pain as she continued to assail
the door.
    Tori pressed the crystal between the palms of her clasped
hands and leaned over the age-tarnished mirror lying on her desk. Although the
mirror had been created almost seventy-five years ago for the purposes of
catching a thief amongst the coven members, Tori utilized it as her own private
surveillance system.
    Using it allowed her to peer down from above on anyone or
anything she chose. There were, of course, limitations. No matter what spells
she tried, she’d never been able to see images of anything more than a few
miles away. She’d travelled with the mirror many times to overcome that
particular shortcoming. This evening, however, her subjects were close to home.
    Her three closest allies—her inner circle—stood on the other
side of her desk, hands joined. She’d given them the responsibility of
shielding the alley and its occupants from outside interference. Tori needed
their combined power so she could focus on orchestrating the attack.
    The crystal warmed in her hands as the action began. Each of
the gang members had been under her temporary control at one point or another
since she’d connected them to the crystal through wax totems two years prior,
but this was the first time she’d controlled all of them at the same time.
    Excitement bubbled through her as the thugs surrounded
Gracey and the government men. Soon three more fatalities would be added to the
growing victim list of Virginia Beach gang violence.
    Orano felt a wisp of air on his arm and spun around in time
to block the amateur wielding a switchblade. Grabbing the guy by his wrist, he
pulled the attacker in and landed a clean right jab to his jaw.
    The next thug tripped over his fallen comrade, landing hard
against Orano’s chest.
    “Gun! By the Dumpster!” Phoenix yelled.
    Orano jerked the clumsy gang member around and held him as a
shield while stripping him of his blade. “Where?” he yelled.
    “Thirty feet down, three feet from the wall.”
    The newly acquired blade flew from Orano’s hand, flipping
end over end into the blackness. He heard a muted gunshot as his human shield
slammed into his chest and became dead weight, collapsing to the ground. A low
grunt from the direction of the Dumpster followed a second later as the knife
presumably hit its target.
    “I don’t think they’re after our wallets,” Orano said.
    Phoenix held his extendable baton in his right hand and was
in the process of cracking a skull as he answered. “They’re after our heads,
and they won’t be stupid enough to come at us one at a time for much longer.”
    As though to punctuate the statement, three inky figures
emerged from the shadows. A quick glance to his left showed three more, with
the possibility of others remaining hidden.
    “Can you call in some cover? There are a lot of people close
by,” Orano yelled.
    “Give me”—Phoenix pushed the latest victim of his expertly
wielded baton to the ground—“a minute.”
    Orano looked over his shoulder at Gracey, who’d given up
pounding on the door. Her eyes glistened in fear as they darted

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