Challis - 04 - Chain of Evidence

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Book: Challis - 04 - Chain of Evidence by Garry Disher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Garry Disher
Tags: Fiction, General, Mystery & Detective, Police Procedural
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    She almost cut the connection, but
found herself telling him about Katie Blasko. There had been a time, long ago,
when theyd talked over their days work, the hassles and triumphs. That was
before shed become a sergeant and hed failed the sergeants exam. That was
before hed decided she was sleeping with Challis.

    I might be able to help there, he
said, when shed finished.

    She sipped her gin-and-tonic.
Challiss sitting room began to take on warmer configurations. She liked its
plain furniture and simplicity, the mix of wood and leather, the CD collection
under the rows of books along one wall. How?

    I dont know, Ellen, he said
impatiently, as though shed doubted his abilities. Check speed cameras in the
area, infringement notices, stolen vehicle reports.

    Thanks, she murmured, oddly

    Yeah, well...

    Into the pause that followed, she
said, Dont be late for your date.

    Oh, okay, he said mutedly, and she
didnt know if hed been hinting for an excuse to break his date, or keeping up
a pretence to make her jealous. She felt about sixteen again.

    * * * *

she was getting ready for bed the phone rang, and Hal Challis said, Burnt my
house down yet?

    Relief flooded her. There was no
cluttered history, he was rock solid and hed be able to help her. Then, just
as instantaneously, complications took shape in her mind. Her boss was a
thousand kilometres away. He had troubles of his own. Hed left her in charge.

    She cleared her throat, trying to rally.
Burnt the toast, she said.

    He laughed. Hows the grass?

    Long, getting longer.

    He said apologetically, Get someone
in to mow it for you. Ill pay you back.

    They were far apart in the night,
the staticky murmurs of the atmosphere sounding on the line between them. Bad
news, she said. Nick Jarrett was acquitted.


    Tell me about it. McQuarries

    Ill bet. Look, dont beat yourself
up about it. Well get Jarrett on something else.

    Yeah, something minor, no jail time.

They were silent, acknowledging the
frustrations of the job. Hal, theres something else, Ellen said, and told
him all about it: Katie Blasko, Katies home life, the delay, the indifference
of van Alphen, McQuarries grandstanding, and, more than anything, her doubts
and fears.

    Youre right to treat it as a
worst-case scenario, Challis assured her. When its a kid, you cant afford
to take chances.

    But I did take chances, Hal.
Instead of sticking around this afternoon and mounting a proper search, I left
Scobie in charge and swanned off to the city. What if shes dead because I didnt
take it that one step further?

    But you have to cover the obvious
bases first, he said soothingly, and thats what Scobie was doing.

    I know, but I feel guilty.

    And youve made up for it.

    She laughed without humour. Now
everyone thinks Im overreacting.

    Youve got good instincts, Challis
said. Better instincts than I have.

    Did she not believe him, or not
believe that he believed it? She was about to reply when he said, Get Kellock
and van Alphen on side. Theyll look out for their own interests first, but
theyre straight and theyre canny. Above all, dont let McQuarrie stage-manage

    I know. Its just that I keep
imagining Katie Blasko somewhere dark, she said. Shes hurt. Shes scared. I
know you have to take a step back and not get involved, but its hard.

    Actually, Challis said, I dont
think you can be a good investigator if you dont feel something.
Feelings are an essential part of imagination and intuition. You cant do those
things cold.

    Theyd never talked like this
before. Perhaps it was the phone. She liked it. You think so?


    Thanks, Hal.

    They lingered on the line.
Eventually she heard him say, Goodnight. Call me if you need me.

    Hows your dad? she said, because
she wanted to know, and to prolong his voice in her ear.

    * * * *


on Saturday morning, Ellen was back at Katie Blaskos house, acting on the firm
principle that you always examine the home situation

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