Chadwick's Rare Find (An Intriguing Romance Novel)

Read Online Chadwick's Rare Find (An Intriguing Romance Novel) by Heidi Sexton - Free Book Online

Book: Chadwick's Rare Find (An Intriguing Romance Novel) by Heidi Sexton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heidi Sexton
to talk about Brittany.  Vana was not completely sold on Brittany, but she couldn’t find any real fault with her.  She was leaning towards declaring Brittany’s extraordinary beauty a failing, which was ridiculous.  So, Chadwick stopped listening to her. This made Vana mad.  Adanna had only good things to say.  She told him how Brittany put Vana in her place, which helped explain Vana’s attitude.   He would deal with her later.  
    Now standing against the wall, he could hear Brittany’s long-legged strides coming towards the door.  She came out and stopped immediately when she saw him.  Their eyes met and memories of their recent encounter flared between them. Chadwick knew she had watched him, as he had lain across his bed. He could feel her eyes on him.  The memory of it stirred his male desire.  Forgetting where he was or what he was supposed to be doing, Chadwick’s eyes traveled the length of her as she stood in the hallway.  He came off the wall slowly.  He stalked her until she was up against the same wall he had come off of.  Only a breath separated them when he stopped.  He looked down into her caramel brown eyes.  His gaze traveled down her throat to the swell of her breast.  Breathing in her essence, his eyes rose to her lips.  She licked them.  He watched, like a man under hypnosis, as her throat convulsed with a swallow. 
    “Since you aren’t going to kiss her anytime soon, I suggest you help her get her equipment together.  It’s late and I know she is tired after working on my old bones for over an hour.”  His dad’s voice intruded like the sound of a canon.  Chadwick jerked upright.  He balled his hands into fists and faced his father. 
    “You’re right, Dad.  Brittany must be very tired.  Let me help you pack up, Brittany,” he said through clenched teeth. Chadwick gave his father a glacial stare. With his hand in the middle of Brittany’s back they entered the library his father had just exited.  
    “Brittany, do you want me to get one of the girls to take you home or are you comfortable with Chadwick taking you?”  Chadwick couldn’t believe his dad’s perfidy.  He was inwardly seething.  He knew if his father said one more thing, he would lose control completely.  Both he and Brittany had turned back around and were staring at his father.  
    “Mr. Jordan, it is so sweet of you to show concern for me. Thank you, but I’ll be fine.  I’ve been alone with Chadwick before. You’ll be glad to know he was well behaved,”  she said with a twinkle in her eyes. 
    With a grunt in Chadwick’s direction, his father reached out and patted Brittany on the shoulder before taking himself off to shower and thank his know-it-all wife for such a pleasant experience. 
     Brittany looked at Chadwick and he gave a tight smile as he pointed to the table. “How do you let this down?”
    “I’ll let it down and you can carry it out,” she said in an even tone.  It was obvious Chadwick’s father had upset him.   He was tense and she could feel it.  She could always feel when people were tense.  She knew it had to do with her training as a masseuse.  Her mind briefly wondered what Chadwick would do if she offered him a massage.   She watched him from the corner of her eye as he moved around the room.  His movements were lithe.  His body was in good shape. He probably ran every morning.  No, his body was sculptured.  Bodies did not get that way from running.  Chadwick, more than likely, pumped iron.  
    After dismantling her table and gathering her towels and oils, Brittany was ready to go.  She picked up her music box and followed Chadwick out the door, as he carried her table.  Within minutes they were outside and at the car.
    “Just put your stuff down here.  I’ll put everything in the trunk.” 
    Brittany put her bags down and Chadwick laid the table against the trunk of the car.  He walked around to the passenger door, opened it, and Brittany

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