CEO's Pregnant Lover

Read Online CEO's Pregnant Lover by Leslie North - Free Book Online

Book: CEO's Pregnant Lover by Leslie North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie North
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Coming of Age, Contemporary, Genre Fiction
realized how much she had desired his hands on her. Now that they were, she didn’t want him to stop.
    Trent told himself he needed to stop, but it felt so good to hold her in his arms, he just couldn’t do it. His fingers played with the button between her ample breasts, and he wished they were already home. Then his conscience reminded him that she was injured, wasn’t thinking clearly, and how in appropriate it would be for him to continue taking advantage of her in this condition.
    Moving his hand back up to her neck, he slowly brought the kiss back so that it was a gentle taking and giving of kisses. Finally lifting his mouth from hers, he pushed her head back down against his chest and felt her settle against him with a long sigh.
    The remainder of the drive was made in silence. Trent continued to run his hand through her hair, being careful to avoid the bandage on her temple.
    Brianna closed her eyes and enjoyed being held and the sure knowledge that she was safe in this moment. How long had it been since she could say she felt safe at night? Five months? Six months? Whatever it was, she was going to live for this moment, who knew how long it would be before she felt this way again.

Chapter 11
    Trent instructed his driver to unload Brianna’s belongings and stack them in the back hallway. She wouldn’t need anything tonight, and there’d be time enough to deal with them tomorrow.
    After getting Brianna settled into bed, he made a few phone calls and arranged to have his second in command handle the negotiations scheduled for the morning. He then called Janet and let her know what had happened and told her that he and Brianna would be taking Monday off. Janet offered to come over and stay with Brianna, but Trent declined, encouraging her to enjoy the rest of the evening with her husband Shawn.
    After ensuring that everything was in place for the negotiation to go smoothly, he climbed the stairs to check on Brianna. He had put her in his bed, telling himself that he would sleep in one of the guest rooms. But seeing her snuggled down in his bed had those thoughts quickly being put aside.
    In deference to his houseguest, he donned a pair of pajama pants before climbing into the bed next to her. He turned the lights down, not wanting her to become fearful if she should wake up during the night and not remember where she was.
    The doctor had instructed him to wake her up every hour. It was just after midnight and he set the alarm for 1 a.m., taking his job as her caretaker seriously.
    It felt like he had just closed his eyes when his alarm went off, reminding him to check on Brianna once again. He had followed the doctor’s instructions, waking her every hour, and this was the last of the recommended checks. He glanced at the clock and tried not to groan when he read 7 a.m.; it had been a very long night and he felt like he could sleep for hours.
    Brianna had slept the sleep of one suffering from complete exhaustion, waking only to let him check her eyes, before falling right back to sleep.
    Performing the last required check, Trent made sure the alarm was in the off position and settled down for some uninterrupted sleep.
    Brianna struggled to open her eyes, groaning as the light sent shards of glass ripping through her brain. Slowly turning her head away from the source of the light, she cracked her eyes open only to find herself face to face with her boss, Trent Coldwell.
    He was propped upon an elbow, and shirtless. That fact registered, as did the muscles and broad shoulders. Brianna let her eyes open more fully and took in the whiskers, which darkened his normally clean-shaven jawline. His hair was tousled and his eyes were looking at her with a warmth she hadn’t seen previously on his face.
    Trent watched Brianna slowly come awake and resisted the urge to brush her hair off her face. The edges of the bandage showed the evidence of a bruise which had formed around her cut. He watched her eyes

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