Celtic Storms

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Book: Celtic Storms by Delaney Rhodes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delaney Rhodes
large satchel which was obviously overstuffed as she climbed up the muddy path towards the castle gates.
    By the time she crested the small hill, Mavis was out of breath and about to drop her satchel in the mud. Patrick quickly tied off the horses and rose to meet her on the hill.
    “Mavis, let m-m-me have that,” Patrick said as he pointed towards her bag. “What is this about you coming w-w-wi-ith us?”
    “Laird MacCahan says I am to accompany you. I am Braeden’s nurse after all and I came from O’Malley lands. He thinks it’s time for me to return since that is where Braeden and you will be. I’m sure I can be of some use to you during the journey, don’t you think?” she inquired as she glanced towards the back of the wagon where Braeden lay sleeping.
    “I’m sure you will”, chuckled Patrick.
Thank you father.
Here – take off your muddy sh-shoes and I will put you in the w-w-wa-wagon with Braeden.”
    “Nay – I’d much prefer to ride up front if you don’t mind as I am in no mood to share a bed with Braeden - the way he snores.” Mavis shared a knowing look with Patrick and stepped into the front of the wagon to sit next to him on the bench.
    “Do you mind if I ride with you? I haven’t a horse of my own.”
    “Not at all - j-ju-just as long as you don’t snore.”
    Patrick grabbed the reins and signaled to Carbry that they were ready to go. Lightening flashed across the sky and a thunder clap followed.
There will be no reprieve for our journey, I fear.
    He handed his cloak to Mavis and gestured for her to cover her head as Braeden tussled about in the back but quickly fell back to sleep.“Tis a good thing he sleeps,” said Mavis. “Such a journey can be quite hard on a child.”
    Patrick nodded his agreement and the group traveled out of the castle gates and onto the path heading southeast towards O’Malley lands. It would indeed be a long journey. One that Patrick hoped they would survive without incident.

    Burke Lands
    Cynbel Burke had grown inpatient waiting on his sister Odetta, to arrive. She had a knack for trying his resolve and he was sure she did it on purpose. He paced back and forth in the front of the altar of the monastery that Odetta had claimed as her own when she ran off the monks.
    Odetta had turned the main chapel area into her own meeting hall and the remaining chambers and sitting rooms were now her private home. She resided in the only second story chamber while her “clerics” resided below on the first floor and saw to her every need.
    “She will come. She insisted we meet her here and she will remain true to her word, my Laird.” Easal McAllister was not only the one true friend of Cynbel Burke, but also captain of his soldiers. “I’ve no reason to believe she will not keep her word. I just wish I understood what all of this is about,” remarked Easal.
    “When did she say should we be here?” Cynbel asked Naelyn, her high cleric and personal servant.
    “As I’ve already said my Laird; the noon hour. She indicated the noon hour. The meal is ready and will be served shortly. Just have a seat and she will come when she is ready.”
    “Naelyn, do you know? Where did she go?” questioned Easal.
    “She went for herbs and roots, as is her custom on sunny days such as this. She is replenishing her stores for the great service.”
    “Ah - by the stars! The great service. You cannot mean to tell me that she still intends to go through with it? What utter nonsense. She has called me here to involve me in one of her ridiculous rituals,” stated Cynbel as he threw his hands up in disgust over having his time wasted.
    “I wouldn’t go so far as to call it nonsense my brother. Would you Easal?” questioned Odetta as she strode into the hall.
    Odetta Burke was a most conspicuous looking woman. Attractive - in the broadest sense of the word. She was tall and slender, with waste length onyx black hair and eyes of the darkest night. She held

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