Caught Between an Oops and a Hard Body (Caught Between series Book 2)

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Book: Caught Between an Oops and a Hard Body (Caught Between series Book 2) by Sheila Seabrook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheila Seabrook
people to work at making the right fit—”
    “You mean like you and Dad?”
    Grace caught herself short, then decided to ignore the comment. “Don’t use that sarcastic tone on me, young lady.”
    Liz snorted. “If you want an example of two mismatched people, take a look at dad and yourself.”
    And didn’t that just raise her hackles. “Elizabeth Kincaid, you take that back.”
    “No, Mother, I won’t. It’s the truth. You go on national TV and spout marriage wisdom like you’re drowning in the perfect marriage. But when was the last time you and Dad spent time alone together?” Liz rolled her eyes. “When you conceived me?”
    “Young lady, there is nothing wrong with your father’s and my relationship. We are quite happy. Extremely happy. Ecstatically happy.” Grace sighed at the lie, firmly keeping her game face in place. “Besides, this isn’t about your father and me.”
    “Then what is this about?”
    “It’s about not making a mistake that’s going to make you miserable for the rest of your life.”
    “Well, I guess you should know about that,” Liz responded grudgingly.
    Grace decided to ignore that. “I’m only thinking of what’s best for you. You’re so young. You have your entire future ahead of you.”
    “ My future. Did you hear that? I get to decide what’s best for me.”
    Grace snorted. “What do you know about this man?”
    “Everything I need to know.”
    “What about his work?”
    “What about it?”
    “It starts there, Liz.” Her voice broke and she glanced down at the letter in her hand.
    What had she been thinking? Going along with Liz’s choice of men because she was too busy with her show to see to her youngest daughter’s needs first?
    Roger Gordon was all wrong for her daughter—rough, earthy, raw. Totally incapable of making a good showing at all the right parties. Why, the man would ruin Liz’s budding career as a prime time newscaster.
    Grace decided that there was only one way for her to tell her daughter the problem and it was straight out. “What are you going to do when one of Roger’s groupies ends up in his bed?”
    “ Mother .”
    “I’ve seen the man, Liz. Watched how other women respond to him. He’s a walking, talking advertisement for sex. If you want to sleep with him, then fine, have all the sex you want.” There, that was it in a nutshell. She firmed her jaw. “In fact, that’s what I’m recommending to all of my viewers from now on. Forget marriage. Just have sex. If you know what’s good for you, Liz, when you pick him up at the airport, you’ll tell him that the wedding is off and send him back the way he came.”
    “Mother, you’re insufferable.”
    “Then it’s a good thing I gave birth to you and you have to love me despite my shortcomings.”
    “Oooooh, I’m done talking to you until you’ve had some coffee.” She glanced at her watch. “And now I’m going to be late for Roger’s flight.”
    She stomped out, leaving Grace alone to contemplate the sickly green liquid in her teacup. She sighed. What she wouldn’t give for a cup of caffeine right this very second. Or chocolate. Or coffee with a spoonful or three of chocolate added.
    Maybe this was all her fault. Maybe if she hadn’t been so focused on her career, she’d have done her job proper and nipped their budding romance in the bud before things got totally out of hand.
    Now Liz thought she was in love with the man. What did the child know about love, anyway? She was twenty-three years old, still wet behind the ears, still running home to mama with her petty little problems.
    With a depressed sigh, Grace randomly selected another letter from deep in the pile and sliced it open.
    Dear Grace,
    Yesterday was my tenth wedding anniversary and I spent it alone with the kids…
    Been there, done that. Grace tossed the note into the trash can beside her desk and selected another letter.
    Dear Dr. Grace,
    I’m a stay-at-home mom. My husband spends all his time

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